Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hope for the Best

It is like a dream come true.
M first ever eBook got published in Amazon on today.
Thanks to Sri Vishwanath for the foreword.
Thanks to my cousin sister Ramya for her cover design.

Please feel free to leave your comments.

Foreward by Sri Viswanath

There is a saying “ God is simple everything else is complex”.
In the rush of our daily life we fail to appreciate the simple and profound messages of wise men and women.
Our minds are wired to believe that solutions cannot be simple.
The more complex the solution the faster it will produce results. However this is not true.
If you observe the lifes of great men and women you will notice that they possessed a remarkable degree of profound

clarity in their thoughts, behaviour and actions.
There was no conflict between the boy mind and the heart.
In this little book “ Hope for the Best” Kannan. V has collected those rare jewels of wisdom
and presented it before us in nine beautiful ways. This is Kannan’s first book . It is a wonderful attempt and I want to

congratulate him for his sincerity, integrity and clear observation.
It is a quick read and there are chapters which will move your soul.
Clarity is often mistaken as simplicity.
Clarity is more profound. It involves connecting those tiny dots of priceless wisdom.
You will experience that clarity in this little book.
Sri Vishwanath author of 11 transformational titles

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