Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Love ALL

Breaking the 7 Rules of Love

By Sri Vishwanath

In this little book,The Author celebrates Love.

This is Lovelogy.

It is universal Love.It is Divine Love.

How do you feel complete? Love is the feeling of Completeness.

We are all born with Love,we forget in our daily grind.

There is no greater philosophy than Love.Love is the only philosophy.

Have an attitude of Love.There is no greater virtue than Love in this world.

Love starts at Home.Create a Lovely atmosphere at Home.
Raise the energy of the Home with Love.
Spend quality Time together instead of quantity time.

Pure Love can heal a relationship.

Every human being is beautiful,only Anger makes us ugly.

Love the world.Share your gifts.By giving,you are receiving more.
Give more Love away,You will receive love in abundance.

Follow Love wherever you go.
Add Love in whatever you do.

Love in Action: Fogive yourself and others too.

The Language of Love is silence.

Love is the only way.

Spread the Love.This is a great read!

Let It Go

The power that moves your will

By Sri Vishwanath

This little book by Vishwanath talks about the baggage we are all carrying.
It gives you the secret to get rid off this.

There are 3 parts in this book.

Free Will:

what is will power?
Reaction to the events occurring, is will power.
What is the secret to attain a free will?
Focus on your will to be free.
Focus on your soul,which is free.

Law of Invisible Baggage:

We are all carrying luggages in our life,good and bad,based on our intentions and impressions.
Knowledge is aquired out of experiences.
Ignorance is nothing but no prior experience to refer.

Human nature is nothing but fund of experiences.
Destiny is nothing but the riped experiences we carry when we began our journey.

Our current personality is not our limitation.

Magic of the Field:

I love this part of the book.

This world is a Theater and our Life is a movie.

We are all playing characters based on our baggages.

The script of life we are playing is nothing but our baggage.

wow,the analogy between movie and life, is mind boggling.

Such a complex spiritual truth in a simple example,hats off Vishwanath.

If we want to change our script,Learn to Enjoy our role now and start scripting a new movie.

We already have a higher field.

Learn to connect with this magical field.

When we are in touch with this unlimited field,we can get rid of our baggages and start to script a new movie of our


Enjoy your new movie!Happy Scripting!

This little book carries a great secret.I highly recommend this book.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

He knows all who knows the self

101 Profound statements

by sri vishwanath

This book is a collection of some of the profound statements found in various scriptures.

I took what strikes best to myself:

Enlightment - Knowing about the source

Four parallel worlds - eartly world,Lunar World,Electric world and the the world of Brahma

How God Created the universe? - The Universe is created from the source Purusha,which doesn't have any beginning nor


Why God send us back again and again to the world? - Due to past Impressions and Intentions,we are born here again and


The Mystery of Life and death - Till we merge with the source,we have life and death.

What is Sin? - Thinking about the Sin is the greatest Sin.

what is Ignorance? - Not Knowing the self is Ignorance.

What is Right Conduct? - Loving all is the right conduct.

The Secret of Karma - As you sow, you shall reap.

How to deal with selfish thoughts? - By following one's heart.

Practising Silence - Looking within

What we should belive? - Believe in the Truth.

wow,what a ride!Incredible words of wisdom by all holy men who walked the path before us!

Thanks Vishwanath for putting together this little Gem!

I highly recommend this book!

No Beginning, No End

How GOD Manifested the Universe?

by sri vishwanath

No Beginning, No End

This book is the creation process of the Universe explained by Krishna to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita.

As per krishna,Creation is a projection of which already existed.
To understand the creation of universe,we need to understand the Law of Cycles.
All of creation follows a cycle.

Creation is nothing but the combination of two parts: which doesn't subject to change
and addition of which subjects to change.

Anything subjects to change can't be the source of creation.

Purusha is the source of all the creation.It is the One Thing.
It doesn't have any beginning and end.
It neither can be destroyed nor be acted upon.
It has independant existence.It has an absolute existence.
It is the source of all Intelligence.

Creation is a Law,not an event.

Idea of the universe has no beginning and no end.
Creation doesn't have any beggining.Beginning means the beginning of a new cycle of creation.

Purusha which existed before all,manifested a desire which is cosmic intelligence(Prakarti),then creation began.

Everything has to go back to the source and this is one life cycle of the universe.

Author explains the secrets of Time and the science of perfect timing called 'Panchang'.

The analogy to making of pizza is nice one.

Sound is the beginning of all creation.

The book ends with the explanation of the divine mantra 'Gayathri Mantra'.

Wow,It is amazing to know about the creation of this universe.

It is an interesting read and highly recommended.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Divine Love

Krishna talks about inspired Love

by sri vishwanath

Divine Love

This book talks about the secret of Bhakti Yoga.

Bhakti yoga means attaining enlightment through devotion to the God or the Universe.

Here the Author is not talking about the human love,he is talking about the Divine Love which is unlimited.

It is the Love expressed by Jesus.

This Love is pure.

This love is not limited only for humans,but for all creatures in this world.

Spirit to spirit,heart to heart is the language of Love.

The whole universe rests in us.

All Love is within us.

Whatever we are searching is within each one of us.

All the creation is the projection of that one thing(God,Universe,cosmic intelligence).

That one thing exists without form and with form.

It manifests in every moment and in every being.

The Greatest secret to go back to the source is Love.

We are all spiritual beings in human form.

The force of goodness is our real identity.

Love can only be distributed,it can't be acquired.

Love knows no shop keeping.
Love knows no fear of Death.The story of Savitri describes this secret of Love.
Love knows no secret.

There is no power greater than the power to love that one thing.

When you become the language of Love,You will merge into the source.

Eternal Truths

The Power of the Vedas

By Sri vishwanath

"Love,Lover and the Beloved are One" - Swami Vivekanandha

This book speaks the eternal truth described in Vedas.

Vedas are the scriptures by Indian sages talks about eternal truths, dated way back Jesus,Buddha,Krishna.

There are 3 parts in this book:

Freedom to Know
Freedom to Love
Freedom to work

Chapter1: Freedom to Know

Evolution is the process of life.
We humans should evolve inward.

The concept of evolution was discovered by an Indian sage by name Kapila,dates back to 7th century B.C before christian


A Wonderful secret to free from all our problems: Take Mental Flight
You have to know your potential to take this mental flight.

A superior Intelligence is there which is responsible for this creation.
We can call it by many names like God, Universe, Cosmic Intelligence.
Author is calling it as 'The One Thing'.
This infinite intelligence is present in all forms of creation.
It has no bennings and no endings.
It can't be destroyed.It is not subject to change.
All of creation follows a cycle.

How do one gets knowledge?Knowledge comes out of experience.
Every experience leaves an impression in the mind.

The analogy of computers to Human with regards to the transfer of impressions from one life to another life is

We are learning why this transfer is happening.

All the world religions are various ways to express that one thing.
All religious scriptures are expression of idea of God.
None has authority over the truth.

Our aim in this life should be to become God like and to merge with that one thing.
We can become god like by acquiring the god like characters,Love,Compassion,Wisdom,Unselfishness,sacrifice,Power.

There are life chaning exercises at the end of the chapter1.

Chapter2: Freedom to Love

The whole universe is residing in you.
Author is not talking about the human love.
This Love is not bound by your body and mind.
He talks about the eternal love,which were expressed by the God like figures like Jesus,Biddha,Krishna,Mohammed.

Religion is the realization of the spirit by the spirit.
All the creation is nothing but the projection of that one thing,you can call it God,Universe,Cosmic Intelligence.

That one thing exists both in form and without form.
That one thing is all Love.
We are spiritual beings in human form in this world.
All Love is within us.
All light is within us.
The force of goodness is our real identity.

Spirit to spirit,heart to heart is the language of Love.
Love can be only distributed.

Love knows no shop keeping.
Love doesn't have fear of death.
Love knows no secret.

The story of Savitri is one of awesome examples of the power of Love.

One of the exercises to find your loved one is very powerful.

The story of a wise man who spread love and light inspires us.

Chapter3: Freedom to Work

We are all free to work.

This chapter talks about the journey of Shiva in search of a precious stone which fulfill all his wishes.
We are getting very valuable life lessons from the Monk in the story.

The work, author talking about, is similar to Krishna's words: Do your duty and don't expect the fruits.

Hats off to Vishwanath for giving the eternal truths in a simple language.

This book is full of ancient wisdom and Highly recommended!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hope for the Best

It is like a dream come true.
M first ever eBook got published in Amazon on today.
Thanks to Sri Vishwanath for the foreword.
Thanks to my cousin sister Ramya for her cover design.

Please feel free to leave your comments.

Foreward by Sri Viswanath

There is a saying “ God is simple everything else is complex”.
In the rush of our daily life we fail to appreciate the simple and profound messages of wise men and women.
Our minds are wired to believe that solutions cannot be simple.
The more complex the solution the faster it will produce results. However this is not true.
If you observe the lifes of great men and women you will notice that they possessed a remarkable degree of profound

clarity in their thoughts, behaviour and actions.
There was no conflict between the boy mind and the heart.
In this little book “ Hope for the Best” Kannan. V has collected those rare jewels of wisdom
and presented it before us in nine beautiful ways. This is Kannan’s first book . It is a wonderful attempt and I want to

congratulate him for his sincerity, integrity and clear observation.
It is a quick read and there are chapters which will move your soul.
Clarity is often mistaken as simplicity.
Clarity is more profound. It involves connecting those tiny dots of priceless wisdom.
You will experience that clarity in this little book.
Sri Vishwanath author of 11 transformational titles

Sunday, May 20, 2012

To Seek and Not to Yield

Intuition - Under the Tamarind Tree
by John Harricharan

This little book is a collection of quotations by John Harricharan.

'keep on Keeping on' - John Harricharan

What a wonderful foreword by Heather o Hara,awesome!

A superb introduction by John,a master's touch.

some of the quotes I like most(my own shortened version):

God is never late.

All the roads lead home.

Life is the burning.

World has not changed but I did.A new world is born.

Listen to the song of your soul.

Be Thankful for life.

You are a beautiful child of the universe.

You are bigger than your problems.

Creation starts in your mind.

We are more than human.

Let it go!

We are the editors of our life.

You are both the Teacher and the Student.

Take action,take the first step on today.

Follow the flow.

Know that what you are seeking is seeking you.

Solutions are inside.

Never give up.

When the student is ready,Master will appear.

Meditation is the key to open the door of the soul.

Heaven and hell is within you.

Respond,don't react.

Find your 'pot of Oil' and Do it.

Those of us from the same family meet often. - That is why I am writing these reviews.

All beautiful and peaceful things to be shared. - That is why I am sharing this book with pearls of wisdom.

A great book of Inspiration and I highly Recommend!

Still, Small Voice

Intuition - Your secret Radar guidance system for success
by John Harricharan

'God is never late'.

Intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind is faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. — Albert Einstein

Intuition is our sixth sense.

John reveals us how to use this secret tool in just seven steps.

With Intuition, your insights becomes sharper and you make smart choices.

Intuition is not just a whisful or fearful thinking,it is the whisper of your soul.

All our problems will come under these three categories: Money, Health, Relationship.

We can use our intuition to solve any of our problems.

John is giving us examples on how he raised his sales and landed his first real job by using this faculty.
He is giving examples of Conrad Hilter on how he quoted the price for the bid,got Hilton corporation
and Richard Bach wrote his best seller.

Through Intuition,you can:

get info about a subject
take smart choices
know about a disaster coming
get answers on which you are waiting

Intuition is a natural way in which you receive a guidance.
You don't need any special abilities to access intuition,just give permission to yourself.
Practice is extreamly important to use the seven steps given in this book to access intuition.

'Scissors of the mind' technique is very simple but profound.

Don't worry about the how's and how long's once you are done with the seven steps.

The answer will come in due course,don't rush it.we need to trust and believe in the process.

The answer can come in the form of a stray thought, a dream, in between a movie,etc.

When you get the answer,be raedy to take action.

There are wonderful quotes about intuition at the end of the book.

It is a great little book,don't just read it,practice it and make use of Intuition.

Whisper of the Soul

Live long and prosper
by John Harricharan

This little book contains two of John Harricharan's articles.

Life is always filled with problems.
We are so overwhelmed with these day to day problems,we are not focusing on solutions.
The first article offers solution for this.
He reminds us that we are bigger than our problems.We are unique.
He advises us to within and listen to the 'whisper of the soul'.
When we come out of this silent time with ourselves, the solution will come to us.

We are bombarded with Information in this age of Information.
Information won't help us.
Application of this knowledge from this information only can save us.
Nothing will drop into your lap just my visualization.
The second article urges us to 'Take Action'.
Even if it is a small step,we have to start to keep the momentum.
He explains it using his personal experience.

It is sweet little book contains timeless wisdom.
Thanks John for this book.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to merge with Divine?

The Secret Yoga of Krishna & His Idea of Heaven

By Sri Vishwanath

Krishna,the Avatar,sheds light on many mystical concepts of spirituality.
This book expalins in detail what happens after our death and the Yoga of Transcendence.
These are eternal truths not just confined to Hinduism.
Be Open minded when you grasp these truths.

There is only one ruler of the universe and that is God.He doesn't have any beginning or ending.

Secret yoga:

By increasing the vibration of your mind to a higer state,you can become Inspired
and you can solve any of your problem.
It is called Heightened Awareness.

Two things will help you to transcend all the constituents and reach directly to abode of the god:
Confining the mind to heart and Life force in the crown.
By doing this with proper intentions,you can merge with divine.
Every person will effortlessly can attain this one day,so begin it today.

4 Ways to reach the abode of Krishna:

1.Overcome flaws of attachment.
2.Master the spiritual laws
3.Free from Lust.
4.Train your mind to be fixed in heart.
These 4 form the Yoga of Transcendence.

Life after Death&Heaven:

There can be two paths after our death:
1.You can merge with the supreme.
2.You can go to Lunar Sphere or heaven,enjoy your stay for sometime and again come back to earth.

There are 4 parallel worlds out there:
1.Earth Sphere
2.Lunar Sphere or Heaven
3.Electric Sphere
4.Brahma Lok(Sphere)

Brahma Loka is the only deathless place and there is no birth,death in Brahma Lok.
The 1st three spheres are finite in time and succumb to destruction.
It never perishes even if the other 3 worlds perish.

We learn the 3 rules of game in Life and 3 Agents of Change.

Law of Karma: Actions which can nullfy or offset your past actions.

You can't create any fresh karma in Heaven.So Earth is very important to achieve everything.

There are Gods in Heaven who are assigned to take care of earth.

Humans can go to heaven,spend sometime and come back to earth.

There is the world of ancestors,a part of Heaven where we can meet our ancestors.
Then there is elemental world,which is demonic in nature.

Jiva,the individual soul can unite with the Purusha,the universal soul.
Once it unites with the purusha,Jiva loses its perception and it won't return back to earth.

If you train yourself to attain the Yoga of Transcendence,the agents of change won't affect you.
Then,no need for rebirth and acquire more bodies.
You won't feel terrified of death once you know that you have died millions of times earlier.

Rebirth or reincarnation is a law not just a belief.
After many rebirths,the individual soul attains perfection by knowing that krishna is all.

There are Life Changing,wonderful exercises at the end of this book.

Read again and again to grasp these truths.I read several times for writing this review.

If you want to know the great truths about Life and after life,this is the right book!

Friday, May 18, 2012

You are Atman

Krishna talks about inspired work

by Sri Vishwanath

"The Last step in moving upwards is to realise that we are the ONE,the Atman(SOUL)" - Swami Vivekananda

When I read this little book first time,
I am little hesitant to write the review as the subject is really complex spiritual message.
Then,I read again,have the courage to write this.

It has two parts,one the Author's Life experience and Krishna's Karma Yoga.

Vish narrates his personal crisis and how he came out of it successfully by practicing his daily silence.

Law of Karma - Whatever you sow,you shall reap.
Destiny - Unseen expressions waiting to express itself as events.

How to get rid of the struggles we have:

Know thyself more by raising the vibration of your mind.
Work on your personality.Enter into your divine personality.

With our day to day activities,we gain deep, subtle impressions.
These impressions are waiting to express themselves as events,may be pleasurable or painful.
Acknowledge these impressions.
When you go deep within you,raise your mind to a higher vibration,
you can explore and experience these impressions.
Once you become the experiencer of the Impressions,you are free from all problems.
You become the Divine personality.
You become the master of the Yoga of detachment.
There is a beautiful exercise within the book which helps you to go deep within.

4 Paths to lead a grand Living by Krishna:
1.Jnana Yoga - Knowledge
2.Karma yoga - work
3.Bhakti Yoga - devotion
4.Raja Yoga - meditation

Krishna's Yoga is raising the vibration of the mind and operates at superior level.

The story at the end reveals that Krishna is the death and He is the origin.
Where the yogin krishna is there the warrior Arjun is.

It is a beautiful little book reveals us how to get rid of our problems and it reveals the secret of Karma Yoga.
Highly Recommended!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

47 Mental triggers that make you feel great

by Sri Vishwanath

Pearls of Wisdom

It is a small book of Inspiring quotes with beautiful pictures.
These words of wisdom is not just for a quick read but to read again and again,to immerse in the truth.

There are quotes about:

our Life journey
self responsibility
Will Power

John Harricharan's quote helps us to remember our Light.
The quote of Dalai Lama shows us the root of our failure.
Sri Vishwanath's quote helps us to remember that we are complete already.
Another quote reveals us one of the profound truth.

Virginia wolf teach us about life.
Anita Bergen advising us to balance in life.
Helen Keller's famous words talks about tremendous opportunity we have here.

We are always growing when we get a 'No' for answer.

Intuition,our inner voice,helps us to know ourself better and guides us.
Boldness and courage to be who we really are,have genius within it.

We have to face our fears in its face for our growth.

Richard Bach conveys us that everything is happening for good.

Swami Vivekananda emphasizes on character to be successful in life.

Emmet Fox's words about Love brings Tears.

This book helps us to ponder the great truths.Save it on your desktop and read it daily.

It is a great little book for gifting!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Visualize and Receive

The Power of Visualization
By Sri Vishwanath

"He Conquers all who conquers self" - Ancient seers

On seeing the title,i thought this book is another Law of Attraction Visualization stuff.
But this Art of Visualization is about 'Effortless meditation'.

This little book explores the root of that ONE Truth which is absolute.
This Truth is obvious and it can be revealed in an instant.
It can't subject to change.
Meditation can help you to know this Truth.

You can become only what you already are.
Meditation helps you to realise what you already know.
The story about the Lion in the herd of sheep,is eye opening.

What we see outside is the reflection of our mind.
Meditation helps the seed within you to grow into a tree.
Whatever you are seeking is within you,it is seeking you,meditate upon it to receive it.

Meditation is a state of being.
It is not an activity or exercise.
It is like breathing.
It brings supreme alertness.
You will feel connected to all living and non-living of this universe once you attained this alertness.

There are 3 Instruments of Knowledge:

Meditation helps you to achieve the inspiration.

That one thing from which everything manifests is the Purusha(SOUL)
and it can be realised only at the alert state.
Tis alert state leads you to realise the purusha within you.
Meditation helps you to achieve this state of being alert.

There are life changing visualization exercises at the end of this little book.
Don't just read this book,do the exercises.
The exercise to get rid of your most pressing problem,is very simple but profound.

It is a great read and I highly recommend this book!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Know Thyself

“He conquers all who conquers the Self. Know this and never yield” - message of the vedas.
Mediatation helps you to conquer the self.

There are 4 parts to this book.


Consciousness is the knowing the truth that your thoughts will affect your future.
A Single thought can change ourselves and others.
The exercise of mental flight is very practical and simple to get rid of any of your pressing issues.
Play like exercise to get rid of the past and live in the present is powerful one.


May your Light lights up the whole world. - Vedas

Wisdom,Love,purity,sacrifice,unselfishness - Qualities of God.
You can become god like by having the qualities of God.
Your current circumstances doesn't refelect your true self.
Expand your consciousness and you can love the entire humanity.


Meditation reveals your true nature.
You meditate because you know.
You can become only someone which you already are.
You are already complete in nature.
Meditation helps you reminds your god like qualities.
Everything you seek are already within you,Money,Love.etc.
What we outside is a reflection of our innate mind.

Truth can't subject to change.
Meditation is a force,it is a state of being.
It provides us the supreme alertness.
Meditation is not an activity or exercise.

The 3 instruments of knowledge:

Inspiration is a way of Life.

We have to indulge in activities which helps us to stay alert.
We need to do the preferable instead of pleasurable.

That one thing is the Purusha(Soul),the ultimate truth which is dwelling in each one of us.
Mediatation helps us to find this one thing.

Story of Nachiketa:

Chapter 4 of the book narrates the story of Nachiketa who conquered death.
When he met the king of death 'Yama',he asked for 3 boons.
The 3rd boon he asked was the secret everyone curious to know,what is happening after death.

Initially, Yama was very resistant as he never shared this secret with anyone.
But as Nachiketa insisted,he went on to explain the secret.
He explained about the Prakarti(cosmic intelligence) and the properties of 'I Consciousness(Pravartti)'.
He went on to explain the concept of Time.
He was telling Nachiketa about Purusha(God or Soul) which is eternal and Timeless.

Through Yama's words,we are getting to know about 'the Cycle of the Universe'.

The short stories are really eye opening,especially the Sage who meets the Housewife and the Butcher.

The explanation about 'The Law of Karma - the law of cause and effect is simple and excellent'.

Then comes the Law of Non-Attachment which conveys the words of Bhagavan Krishna,
who said 'Do your work and don't expect the fruits'.

There are wonderful exercises teaching you to meditate and to know that one thing.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Start small and stay hopeful

Begin with Yes

by P A U L S . B O Y N T O N

Begin with YES is a book about Positive Actions.
It is narrated in a conversation style,Q&A mode.
The best time to start is NOW.
It is about many small yeses.

This concept is close to YES!Energy by Loral Langemeier.
Her famous saying is: 'Say YES and figure it how'.

One of the finest example of Begin with Yes is the story of Mark Schoenfeld, the Broadway composer.
Taking action,even if it is small is the besis for success.
Momentum gives you the energy to move forward.
Saying Yes instead of No opens up new possibilities.
It doesn't mean that we have to say Yes to everything but which makes more sense to you.
Sometimes,you say yes based on your shift in perspective.
Even if you have to make stories for saying yes,make it as the outcome is good.

Focus more on your power than your negatives.
Choose your words carefully as they create your reality.
When you start begin with yes as a way of being,you will find your power switch.
You will find your power when you take actions not the other way around.
Power and Optimism attract and generate more power,optimism.
As you move into your yes direction,there may be shifts in your life and people you associate with.
Begin with Yes not only for problems but for opportunities too.

Dealing with your fear is to begin with yes and take some simple steps inspite of your fear.
When you help others,there will be helping hands for you.

Here is one of the practical application of Begin with Yes:

When you are feeling down or have a bad day,do what you love like eating Ice Cream.
be with positive people.
Ask empowering questions.
Take action.

Another exercise:

Take a sheet of paper and write down your list of goals on one half of the paper.
write down the action steps you would take to make your goals come true on the other half of the sheet.
This is a simple one but powerful.

When you adapt begin with yes as a life style,you will become more happier and optimistic.

It is a great little book and I highly recommend!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spread Your Light

This Little book is about a boy by name Shiva,lived in Mayawati,a small town in northern india.
It is a story of shiva getting the ancient secrets from a monk
and his search for the precious stone to fulfill his wishes.
It is a great parable revealing the secrets of Life.

Here are the secrets I learnt from this book:


All your thoughts should be aligned in one direction.

Our mind is not creating the thoughts but our impressions,Intentions do.

We should try to achieve fewer thoughts and zero conflict in our thoughts.

Our real identity is in the present moment we have.

Through superior alertness,we can achieve this real identity.

This will help you to discriminate between your thoughts, feelings and the present moment.


Lesson 3 of this book made me think of Lord Krishna's words in the Indian Scripture Mahabharatha:

Do your duty and don't expect the fruits.

Meaning,Be unattached from the results.

The story of the Monk and the Butcher is a nice example of this concept.

Life Purpose:

We are here in this world to evolve more not to change this world.
We are learning to know the difference between facts and Reality.
There is no precious stone which can fulfill all our wishes.
It is the Truth which will set us free.
We are the knowers of this truth.
Knowing this truth is absolute and every one of us should strive to know this truth.

There are flow diagrams throughout the book helps us to understand these complex spiritual concepts.

You are Love.

You have all the strengths within you.

You are the Light.

Go and Spread this Light and Illuminate this world.

Wonderful Read,Highly Recommended!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Letting Go,Letting In

I used to have Tea after I come back from work daily.
After work,I feel exhausted,yawning and tired.

Recently,I started drinking carrot juice in the evening,thanks to my friend Narmadhan.
Nowadays I feel energetic,fresh,instead of feeling tired.
I am following this for a week now.
This is a new healthy habit I am forming now.

So Think about the old habits which are not serving you and Let them go.
What kind of new habits you will replace them with and Let them in?

This is applicable for all areas of our life.Think about it.

All the very best for your Happy,healthy,wealthy Life!

Thoughts for today!

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