Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Healing Codes

Listen to Dr.Alex Loyd
on The Healing Codes: How to Overcome Sabotaging Behavior
at :

Healing code helps to releive Physical,Non-Physical problems
Daily we can do 1 a day,6 minutes
There are healing codes for: Throid,liver,gall bladder,anxiety,depression
It is for relieving underlying block

The root cause of physical system problem is emotion
what causes the emotion
underlying programming causes everything

soloman wrote guard your heart from everything
From the Heart flows everything
Any issues you have comes from the heart
The Research says all the illness come from cellular memeory
Dr.Bruce Lipton - stress,long belief,comes from programming
Another research - destructive cellular memory
Cellular Memory - It is another memory

before age of 6,we live in delta wave frequency
when something happens at that young age,it will be programmed in our memory without any filter
Healing code neutralise which is never true,the falsehood
Each of this memory are like radio station
fear,anger,self worth issue,unforgiveness have more powerful than the good ones
they are broadcasting to every cell,to hyphothalamus of our brain
Healing code is a simple mechanism,found in 2001
It neutralises the negative frequency and turn the stress switch off

when you heal the underlying programming,the stress goes away
june 2004,healing codes was released
Dr.Ben Johnson,a mediical doctor, diagnosed with ALS,tried healing codes,less than 6 weeks,he is symptom free
after 6 years,still,symptom free

Dr.Alex healed herrnea using healing codes,migration head aches,aging
You can use it on anything
what is bothering me than anything else?start with that

Types of cellular memories:
memory when we are aged less than 4years old
memory from generation
memories absorbed from others
memories we imagine

95% of the illness caused by stress - Dr.Lipton
Rest of the 5% is genetic,because of genetic ancestory

Dr.Alex Loyd's Message:
3 things:
1.It is not your fault
2.The solution is not trying hard
3.you can get wherever you want from wherever you are now

"you are not your history"
out of love and knowing,everything expands
we can hold more love,more possibilities
we need to heal within,release and let go
(successful people)The difference is - youwealth
It is the ability to turn on inside of their innate power
world salvation remains in youwealth

Amazing call!
Thanks Darius,Alex!
Dr.Alex Loyd's special offer:
Dr.Alex Loyd's special offer

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unlock the superhero mind

Listen to JIM KWIK on
Unlocking Your Superhero Mind – Speedreading & Memory Power for faster learning and earning!
at: youwealthrevolution

Your Head and Heart are two incredible assets-Jim Kwik
80% suceess is showing up - jim kwik

you are the power
you are the source
These all combined together called youwealth

There is no good or bad memory
Only trained and untrained memory
Without remembering,there is no learning
mind is like muscle
when you use it,it becomes strong
grow more so that you can give more

Commit being a lifelong learner
Information Anxiety - high information intake
lot of information is coming,we are not prepared
My inspiration is my desperation - jim kwik
when you go through pain,you are on track
There is a difference between rich and wealthy
consciousness and contribution,relationships,vitality are the real wealth
Thinking is a very difficult process
we are not taught to think
Gift of curiosity

What is your motive for action?
H cube - Head,Heart,Hands
You can't steer a parked car - Jim's Martial Arts Instructor
we have a gift flowing through all of us
Youwealth gives profound ideas with breakthrough
You have gifts,abilities you may not be aware
you are a genius
Transcend = End the Trance
Limiting beliefs,the prison - Transcend these

wealth and memory goes hand in hand
leveraging your mental assets
we don't have a owner's manual for our brain
only 2% of our brain is being used

MOM - Remember your MOM
M - Motivation
O - Observation
M - Mechanics(the process,the tools,the skills)
Reason precede Results
Reasons come first,results come second

What you practice in private,will be rewarded in public
Investment in knowledge gives best interest - Benjamin Franklin
It is not retention problem,it is attention problem
be present,be in the now
Gratitude,Brain exercises can help to increase longetivity

Jim Kwik's message:
You don't know what you are capable of
Dedicate to lifelong learning
Feed your mind with good things

Take your life from chance to choice
you are here for a reason
you are special

It is an amazing call!
Thanks Darius,Jim!
Jim's special offer:
Jim Kwik's special offer

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Health Secrets

Listen to DAVID(Avacado) WOLFE on
Forbidden Health Secrets that No One Is Telling You at:
youwealthrevolution 7PM EST

Herbs are super foods
Herbalism is coming into mainstream
We have to act as our own doctors
from the heating system,toxic environment starts
when you start to eat raw food,you will feel direct connection to everything
you just become part of the nature
you won't be afraid of death
you start to live more,forget dying
we are not prewired to anything
cancer is not genetic
cancer is caused by toxicology in the body,ecosystem
It is a programming by media,parents,friends,surrounding
when you are healthy,it is easy to be connected
your confidence,performance increase
There are infinite possibilities
It is becoming easy to breakthrough the old habits,old moulds now
we can actually remove the primitive cancer cells
Because of the tools,raw food,raw herbs,positive thinking,get rid of toxins
people on the brink of death turned around and having child
friend who was in a basement for 6 months can get out and ride a bicycle
people are off of tap water and going for spring water
any nutrional shortage can be found by skin
we all can use some cleansing
do fasting more
not eating is more valuable than eating

Symptoms of bad health:
Bad Breath
Thinning hair,loss of vitality of hair,male pattern balding
we are aging very quikly
this can be reveresed to good nutrition
we need more hydrogen in system - can get from fresh spring water,fresh food
poor eyesight
foggy mind and brain
pigments in berries,1 -3 pound of berries per day in the meal help eye sight,brain fog leaves

challenges by women today:
astorgen dominance
3 types
too high on astrogen - all kinds of problem
inability to move,act
540% of more prone to breast cancer
plastic bottle contains astrogen

for rectfication:
1.Take coconut products
2.Raw butter
Omega 3 fatty acids in oil form can help to improve health

deliberately and unconsciously we are hidden from the right knowledge
misinformed about health ,nature,diseases
Truth will come out
Judgement and denial is the key
doctors are making money what they invested
formation of bad calcium in our body is contributing to every illness
never take any calcium supplement
David's message:
It is become easier to become healthier now

Awesome call!
Thanks David,Darius!
David's special offer:
David's special offer

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy for No Reason

Listen to MARCI SHIMOFF on
Happy for No Reason as a Way of Life
at : youwealthrevolution

Is it really possible to be happy always?
When we are child,we are very happy and joyful
even we hurt or fail,we forgot the incident and be happy always
but once we grow up,we forget how to be happy
we are meant to be happy in this world
we are born here to be joyful
Marci is going to share the steps to be happy as a way of life
she is great,i listened to her many times earlier

wealth in every area
Truth of each one of us,steeping into the essence
Living in abundance,haapiness in every level

Just be happy!

Achieving goals will give you a temporary state of happiness but you will go back to the happiness set point
happiness is the goal of all goals - Aristotle
we can change our happiness set point just like a thermostat

Benefits of being Happy:

More Healthier,9 years longer,longevity when you are happy
Great relationships
More fulfilment in career
Make a million dollars more in their lifetime

If you are really happy without any reason,you will get miracles
we are at our core,are happy
If you are happy,you can be in the now

7 main areas of life for happiness:
Building your Inner home
Foundation- Taking Responsibilty for your happiness
Pillars- Mind,Heart,Body,Soul
Roof-Living an Inspired Life
Garden-Who you surround with,the people
Pick up a weakest link of these 7 areas and start with increasing your happiness set point from there
Model the habits of the happier people

How to raise the happiness set point:
1.Mind -
60000 thoughts per day
80% are negative
Mind - teflon for +ve,velcro - for -ve
happy people reverse this
Positive people make the +ve thicker
Gratitude journal helps you to raise ur happiness level
Success or Win Journal
To savor the moments
if you work for 20 seconds on your happiness,you will grow new neuro network
Sedona method,EFT,Byron Katie method - Tools for happiness

Heart -
Heart Rythm coherence
1.Heart focus: do heart breathing,feel the most happy moment,feel it in your heart now,feel gratitude and appreciation,allow them to your whole body(60 seconds).It will your put into flow.We can make creative decisions.
2.Hoponopono - Hawaian tradition - I am sorry,Please forgive me,Thank you,I love you

1 out of 5 women in U.S are depressed,it is staggering stat!

Basis of the Law of Attraction is Happiness
shortcut to anything you want is to be happy in the now
Live in the state of happiness
Harmones like cerotonine,dophomine,gaba are helpful to be happy
more positive thoughts
when you are happy physically,you can be happy mentally
quality of sleep depends on your happiness
If you go to bed before 10pm,you will sleep better

How to unplug from the garbage and be happy:
build your own Happiness Immune System
the more you have,the less you drawn to negativity
Paid Body(eckart Tolle coined the word) - painful body feeds on more pain

If you are a parent,it is very important
You will be much more energetic,when you are happy
Holosync Technology by Centerpointe,founder Bill Harris - useful for great results

How to be happy when you are away from your family:
Everyone has their challenges
can you be happy anyway?
Be Happy inside
Is this a friendly universe?
Universe always supports you
There is a gift in this
Is this happening for a higher purpose?
Try labelling anything Bad for a week
what is the lesson you get out of this?
There is a higher order which will move you to the incredible place
Thanks Darius!I am with Tears!
Higher the energetic vibration,miracles happen in life
Happy people magnetise more Love,more materialistic things
Emotional Contegiant - you will catch the emotions of the people around you

when you are going through financial challenges:
Recognize that when you are financially not well,you can be happy
Change your energetic vibration,your finance change
stop the downward spiral,start the upward spiral

Marci's Message:
Our souls are here to experience happiness,freedom
No matter where you are,you can tune into your happiness
It is the least selfish thing to take care of our happiness
we feel that light of happiness to create peace in this world
your sphere of influence will be more when you are happy
be who you meant to be

"If there is light in the soul, There will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person,There will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, There will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, There will be peace in the world."

Ask this question?:
What would you dye for?
My Answer:
Helping and Serving Others

what an incredible call!
Everyone needs at this point of challenging time!
Thanks Darius,Marci!
Marci's special offer:
Marci's Special Offer

Sunday, November 21, 2010

If There is a Will,There is a way

His Name is Kovai Krishnamurthi(Kovai is a shortname for Coimbatore,a city in Tamilnadu,India).
Krishnamurthi was born without hands,legs and a whole body.
But he is a famous music teacher.He is good at carnatic music.
He did more than 2500 stage performances in carnatic music.
He travelled all over india and countries like Malaysia.
He got tamilnadu government's "Kalai Mamani" award for his contribution to carnatic music.
He is one of the regular member of motivational seminars for youth as a "Lifetime Achiever".
He acted in a Tamil movie called "Naan Kadavul" as a Guru.

He did plus two(+2),higher secondary exam through correspondance.
He did his diploma in Homeopathy medicine.
He wrote his exams by holding his pen between chin and shoulder.

Anandha Vikatan is leading Tamil weekly magazine.
Here in this video,a reader of Vikatan by name Selvakumar meets Krishnamurthi.

Krishnamurthi says God gave him will power.He continues: God is giving speciality to each individual.This world celebrates the person who finds his passion and purpose.
What a wonderful Inspiration!
Thanks to Vikatan for this inspiring article and interview.

Note: In this video,Krishnamurthi sings a song about God written by Kavigner.Vaali(poet Vaali).

Secrets of Personal Resilience

Listen to Dr.Symeon Rodgers on:
Secrets of personal Resilience:Mastering the ultimate wealth

Wow!It is a great Resume!
wealth within ourselves - ultimate wealth of resilience
without inner wealth,you can't make outer wealth
Chi - Energy
257 years old chinese man,Li Chin Yan
why the body falls apart
Mind can penerate into your body and detect the feelings
when you focus your mind on a body part,the part's dynamics changes
more oxygen,more blood go into that part of our body
7 deadly spirals of dynamics:
1.spinal column(spine)
2.Muscle tendon and Ligaments,Lymph systems
3.fasciae(layer on skin)
4.Bone Marrow

Fat fills up our bone marrow,fasciae
you have a fiber optic within our body,we are light beings
photons of light in our fasciae
Mind and Body are connected
Body comprises of Intelligence

shoulder shouldn't raise up while breathing - chest breathing
you should breath abdominally,you are cleansing your body,emotions calm down
Psycology effects are also associated while you are chest breathing,you are getting into negative thoughts
It is a useful emotional cleaning process

Relax into life

How to remove these 7 spirals:
Tai Chi - solid steel rapped into cotton
Qi Gong - 5000 years of longevity science
It is a healing modality,it is useful to overcome the 7 spirals of dynamics

Systems of Dr.Simeon:
self massage - energy tune up
Legendary- muscle tendant changing
bone marrow cleansing -
bone marrow is the fountain of youth,solid steel rapped into cotton
Iron Shirt -
you will become resilient to any accidents
Atmosphere is pushing you,so posture is comprimised
Iron shirt is reinstating so you can become like a child
Energy circulation - Breathing moment to manage channel,it is an anti-aging tool
These systems can be done anywhere even from our chairs
It will take 10-15 mins for these systems

These systems will help you to Increased energy level,calming down,more vitality
Whole new life of feeling your body
Leverage your body alongwith mind to release the emotions and balance
If the energy systems are not good,you can't think positive

Qi Qong can help you to relieve tension in the body,end of releasing the trauma(emotional and physical)
place your mind to focus on a particular area and rotate,you can release the tension
Bone Marrow cleansing helps to bring energy into bone marrow,which will increase the quality of bone marrow
Hara(means belly in japanese) is another system,it is the details of postute,breathing and mental attention,
It reinforces you to move in a meditative state - amazing!
It(Iron Shirt) increases the general immunity
diseases are no longer possible when energy is concentarted in lower belly area(in a poetic way)
Kids can do Qi Gong(active qi gong like iron shirt,muscle tendon changing)
you can do lot of moments in sitting posture also,for old people with moments compromised

Dr.Symeon's Message:
we have to go back to basics
To have faith that things will work out,beieve it or not it will work out
Breathe properly,breathe abdomonily

Our current system is not supporting to become free of illness
Take care of yourself in a well rounded way
Treat your body in a holistic way
you are a being of a light

Thank you so much Dr.Symeon,much Love to you!

Wow!This is an incredible,awesome call!
Ancient Chinese wisdom in modern terminology and the science behind it!
It is a whole new world of possibility to live longer with energy,vitality!
Dr.Symeon's special offer: Dr.Symeon's special offer

Friday, November 19, 2010

Claim your purpose

Listen to BAETH DAVIS on
Hand Analysis: Claim Your Life Purpose and Get Paid for your Passion
at : youwealthrevolution

Discovering and expressing your gifts and talents
Self Realized person is Youwealth
A Place of Transcendance
Service and Contribution
Finding the purpose
Don't be negative,critical,Self Love
What is that you are here
To be fully enjoying our moments
Expressing Gratitude for everything we have
When you help as many people,you will become wealthy

when we are not living our passion,we are not blossoming
There is no limit for ideas
That is a greatest gift

Motivational factors for people:
feeling autonomous
sense of purpose

Hand Reading is very familiar in india
My Grandfather used to read our hands
There are roots for your health,wealth,marriage or Relationships,how long you live
sometimes past life also,some powerful hand readers
someone who is having a chakra,no hand reader will read his/her hand

My 3 pivotal moments:
1.Having a great family
3.When my father,father-in-law,mother-in-law passed within two years

Hand Reading is a science
It is provable,learnable,teachable

"Your results are what you are not be able to tolerate" - Satyen Raja

There is a Great power in determining your standards are
The Answer to Money is to get some Money
You have to really want
You have to make a decision to live your purpose
when you follow your inner guidance,there is certainity

Tips to turn on inner guidance:
To begin to question everything you think,wheather it is true
Uncover your belief system

we are taught to have a low self esteem
Write about your thoughts
write about why you believe that,where is it come from
In this economy,we have to give to get,you have to create
Everything evolves
we can be no longer children expecting others to take care of us
We are not in this planet earth to pay bills - wonderful!
There is no system
We are the systems
It is external belief system
You shouldn't be swayed by advertisements
you have to take up your power
you have to take 100% responsibility for your life
Decide to take 100% Responsibility for your thoughts,feelings,actions
I am here for a broader vision,higher purpose

Turn passion into profit:
you have to start with mission and purpose first
you should have self confidence,Self esteem

My Legacy in this world will be:
I will leave couple of Hospitals(Cardiology,Diabetes speciality)
I will leave a Old Age Home(for blind and Aged Orphans)
I will leave an Educational Foundation(To pay for under privileged,bright students,from villages)
I will leave a business serving a greater community of people
I want to be remembered as a good person who helped this world to be an inch better

Finding your passion:
write 3 habits you love
what are the things you love and you won't notice time
if you did know your purose,what would you do now?
Find your mission

I am going to be the best person to be

Baeth's Message:
We incarnated in this earth for a purpose
If you are willingness to ask,you are courageous to pursue,you can find your purpose
surrender and have faith,truly ask for higher power for guidance
Start listen to clues and act upon them
Awakening doesn't come in a flash
open to people with different skills
Change something what you are doing in order to grow
self Realization
Take care of yourself first
you will find your purpose

It is an incredible call!
Thanks BAETH DAVIS,Darius!
Special Offer:
Baeth's special offer

Success Leaves Clues

Listen to ARMAND MORIN on
Success Leaves Traces
at: youwealthrevolution

Armond's story:
He was broke,his partner left him
He started his company with no money
That company went to make 1.8 million dollars in 10 months
He sold his company later for big money

No choice but succeed
Make big decisions
don't be comfortable
Keep moving,take action
Core Business - 90% what you love
Ancilliary Business - 10%

Simple Process to make money online:
Reading Books - make it a business
digital book revolution
60% of Amazon'sale is Digital
have books to sell
books with no copywrights in public domain
30000+ books
already in pdf or text format
find books,by search on
gutenburg project
top 100 books
let us take mark twain's adventures of huckleberry finn
find a html version the whole book on a single page
Highlight,copyand paste into a word document
Highlight the top& bottom section of disclaimer and delete them
We have a complete book in word document
Go to Amazon
Publish with us,choose kindle version
sign up for a free account at : dtp.amazon.com
Put a price tag between $1 to $9 and publish the book
More number of books are good to earn a decent income
Even a child can do this.
If you don't want to do this,outsource this after making a document on the process of making books

Another Technique:
How to increase the odds for sales
Take a movie made on a public domain book like pride and prejudice,create a digital book
You will get a lot of free advertisements and people will search for the book online when the movie is out

Go to Google,advertise your site in Google Adwords
Go to google like "movies to be released in 2011,2012"
Place an ad in google on the books, for movies to be released,which are based on public domain

No need for knowledge or marketing

Take a topic like Yoga
wow,wonderful technique to make money!
www.createspace.com part of amazon,you can create a physical book quickly or create a home study course

This is what exactly my PASSION!
Now I got it through Armand and Darius!Thank you so much!

You don't need money to make money online
you don't need technical knowledge
It is a matter of knowing what you are looking for
Mini site design,mini site designer
Look into their profiles and hire them to outsource the work
What makes people not to succeed - It is not the skill,product
It is fighting the wrong battle
people feel suffice for what they have
Don't wait for the conditions to start something
Look for the end goals and then where we are now and start from the there
Lack of confidence makes you to fail
Take notice of smaller successes
Feel the successes
Don't compare the results of some guru
start with small
Recognize that we are not competing with anyone
Success Cycle - Results,Beliefs,Actions
Ask yourself: How can i change? and move towards a positive direction

Armand's thoughts on charity:
You may lose all you earn if you don't have a right midset for charity
You have to be a certain type of person to do the charity
If you are really interested in charity,without money,you will be doing it now
Once you reach a money level and not doing the charity,you sabotage yourself
You need a Certain way of thinking
You have to Take Action

5 steps of success:
1.Observation: Observe about the desired end result you want
2.Sequence your observations,put into order,have the steps
3.Amplification: How to make it better,bigger,find out the best way(may be harder)
4.Who? - who is going to the individual tasks,you need not to do all the tasks,Ask: if not me,who will do

the task
5.Timeline - Turn everything into a timeline,divide each task into smaller units and assign the time
Success can be learned
How can we help these people?

what people want:
1.Right Information or training
2.Ability to get the answers for personal questions
3.Support Group - Like minded group

"Success Leaves Traces!" - Armand Morin

If you know Time Management,you will have more time
Once you start procrastination,you can't stop
It is infectiouos
If we don't control our fears,fear will control us

"What is the Next Logical step?" - Armand's wisdom

People who succeed normally are not selfish people
make a decision,True decision


You are special
You are here for a reason
If any of the speakers can do,you can also do
Perseverence causes your true soul to come out
Chipping away the bud and invent the gold inside
Keep pulling off the layers till you get into your gold
What is the lesson,gold in any situation?
It is a journey
The more i put into my mind,the more possibilities
Nobody can away your golden truth,the golden ME!

This is the most incredible call!
This is very practical way to succeed - Mindset and Practical Steps
Thanks Armand and Darius!
Armand Morin's special : Armand's special offer
(To Get The Special: You Must Click “JOIN” at the upper right)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010




In Washington , DC , at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, this man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After about 3 minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule.

About 4 minutes later:

The violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

At 6 minutes:

A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

At 10 minutes:

A 3-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time. This action was repeated by several other children, but every parent - without exception - forced their children to move on quickly.

At 45 minutes:

The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

After 1 hour:

He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed and no one applauded. There was no recognition at all.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold-out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each to sit and listen to him play the same music.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell, playing incognito in the D.C. Metro Station, was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities.

This experiment raised several questions:

*In a common-place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty?

*If so, do we stop to appreciate it?

*Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made . . .

How many other things are we missing as we rush through life?

Thanks to Ramya,my cousin for sending me this.

Healing session with Ann Taylor

Come on, experience the Healing session with Ann Taylor at: youwealthrevolution

Be a GEM in every situation and shine!
I am abundant now!

GOD Empowers you to Love Yourself
You are worthy
GOD is here,he is not in the cloud

I am Healthy now!

There are multi layers to heal
Be aware of the people you are hanging with,because that energy will influence you

Thank you God!
Thank you God Ann,Darius!
Thank you God for everything!

You are worthy,you deserve to be lucky!
Whatever you expect,Universe will deliver!
If you expect to be Lucky,You will be Lucky!

Believing in yourself is the real prosperity!
Believe in you as self made millionaires believe themselves!

I am a Multi Millionaire NOW!

For soulmate: You have to be to receive someone in your life!
This healing works on Kids too!

Removing nagative memories will slow your aging!
Dr.John DeMartini is a living example!
Removing nagative memories will boost you energy!
Removing nagative memories will give you a peaceful sleep!

God is streaming to you unconditional Love from GOD into every cell of your body from head to toe!
We are being of Light!
Money is Light now!
I am laughing now when you ask me to think of negative thought!
It is wonderful!
When i am hearing the words of Ann's healing,i am slipping into meditative state - This is my experience today!

Thanks for this amazing healing session Ann,Darius!
Check out Ann's special offer at:
ANN's special offer

Everyday is Saturday

Yesterday I Listened to SAM CROWLEY on:
How to Monetize Your Passion and Make Every Day Saturday at:

Getting out of the Rat Race(not to offend anyone) is a dream for many of us.
I am thinking about it for quite some time.
SAM did it,he quit his high paying corporate job and living his passion.
A Big salute to SAM and looking forward to his call tonight!
I am waiting for Saturday,how about you?

Youwealth: CONTENT
Content is not in money

Sam's Story:
Sam's low point: being perceived as avarage
Sam quit his job in 2005,november
Lora,his daughter asked him: Is Tomorrow saturday Daddy?
That is the only time i can see you daddy
Can you make everyday saturday?
Sam quit his job after 7 months
He was bankruft after closing his francise
He went back to the job reported to whom who reported to him earlier,for 18 months
In 2006,everyday is saturday took off

Powerful word: ACTION
The thing you fear more,you have to do
write down all things you fear,start doing it,you grow bigger than yourself,10 times more

Letting go of how others think about you,is a great thing
If you have the courage to share your story,it will move others

"Everyone is born original but dies as copies" - Les Brown
"If you can't feel your pain,you can't understand the pleasure waiting for you" - Sam Crowley

The more value you deliver,the more you grow
Faith is powerful
Faith has a tremendous effect on life
something positive,going out towards you desire,something good will definitely occur
When you have faith,you can't go wrong
Everybody is a miracle
It is a lot of Hard work
Doing what you love
Monetize your passion
Become financially free
Take Massive Action

Ask Yourself: What if you can't fail?

Money gives you the freedom and opportunity
If you are wealthy and have a good heart,you can change the world
You have to serve
It becomes like a Dam

How many people can i serve?
How many problems can i solve?
The more i serve,the more i can earn

What is that you Love to do?
Understand and figure out what you think,you can do
Research on the market,be very specific on the target market
Take Action,Step out
Market to those Individuals
Something else is going to sell your passion
Success is 90% marketing

If you are passionate about what you do it,you can do it
There is more than enough for everybody
Market is out there who is waiting to pay for your passion
Easier to sell a $25000 coaching than a $25 ebook
People pay more, pay more attention

If you don't value for what you do,No one will value it
Bigger the problem you solve,bigger the money you can make
You have to adjust your sail in any adversity
Worst thing at any situation is not to do anything

It is not about the money!
If you go for,Get rich quick,broke faster!
You have to swim upstream if you want to be great
Only dead fish swims with the flow
Swimming upstream is awesome

Golden Question:
How did you ever get started?
How can i help you?
The conversation should be about 'Them'

Don't give your power,don't worry about what others are thinking
Turn the Big Fly Wheel
Take some Action
Involve your spouse more in your quest for passion,you can be more successful
Spend some time daily on your passion,without leaving your day job

Sam's Message:
avoiding pain or gaining pleasure
Pain is the great motivator
focus on action
focus on the pleasure
Private victory comes first before public victory
do something,start with that momentum
How can i serve you?

every adversity is a great lesson
Universe is teaching you everytime
You are special
you are here for a reason
Be who are meant to be
How could your destiny can change this planet?
If you hold the fear,you are holding back yourself
Fear is Illusion
Freedom is Truth
Truth is Light
If you avoid the pain,Pain won't go away
What are the steps you need to do tonight?

Wonderful,Life Changing Call!
Thanks Darius,Sam!
Sam's special offer:
SAM's special offer

Monday, November 15, 2010

Release Technique

Listen to LARRY CRANE on
Release Technique: How to Overcome Fear & Resistance
to Becoming Wealthy!
at : youwealthrevolution

YouWealth: Wealth is a concept in the mind
Subconcious beliefs hold you back to have the abundance you deserve
If you remove the negative thoughts and beliefs in your mind,you can cure yourself

Lester Levinson's secret: you have to get rid of your negative consciousness

Larry's questions:
1.What am i doing in this planet?
2.What is it life about?

3 aspects of Mind:
2.Auto Playback

"My Greatest Ability is to manage my Emotions" - Warren Buffett

when you have peace of mind,you are positive
Everything in this planet is energy

larry's Process of Releasing:
Measue the worries - 1 to 10
How did it help it?
say yes to the worry
say some more,say some more,say some more,say some even more
measure the worry now - dropped
You are pushing down the energy,it persists
welcome the worry,see it as energy
measure the worry - it dropped drastically
why would u resist worry when it is not useful
Let the worry go,allow it pass through
measure the worry - it will be zero
This process is a skill,you have to practice
The more you practice,the more you will get better at it

who is the boss? It is the feelings
Make a decision:
Approve that you are positive
Let you go and approve yourself
Approve yourself more ,more,more,more,more

What we do with our feelings:
1.we suppress feelings
2.we want to express ourselves the feelings
3.Try to escape the feelings

Let it go,be in the moment
All is perfect here
If you want to change something,it is positive
If you get rid of negativity,all remaining is positive
Life is a decision
It is your decision

Wow,This is awesome,so fundamental,basic!Profound wisdom coming from a master!

Emotional Intelligence is very important
All the worries are gone
Daniel Goldman - "people have EQ are more successful than with IQ"
When you are angry,you are not clear
Winners are always practicing
what do we want to do with Life
What do you put out there,you are getting back

I am getting the 'AHA' moment while hearing this call
This is the ROOT of all Self Development work!
This is the Real Secret!Treasure!
We are the Healers of our body!

When you try to change on something which can't be changed like death of loved ones,you are holding something Negative
All is perfect,All is LOVE

Sample no cost release technique:
Phone: 818-279-2438
M-F 9-5.30 PST

Only Important thing is HAPPINESS
Take all the blinders like anger,worry,fear
You will get a glimpse of who you are
You are the greatest
You will move into I can arena
Everybody is naturally Love,Happy
Peace of Mind is Quiet Mind
When you release more,you have more EQ
you can make better decisions
when you get rid of the negativity,you can have it all
All Goals are about being HAPPY
When you are Happy,That is positive energy
If you focus on positive,you are positive
Look inwardly
Happiness is always inside of you,ready there

It is a wonderful,Incredible,Amazing call!
Thanks Darius,Larry!
Watch www.youtube/releasetechniques for some examples
check out larry's website: Larry's website
Larry's special offer:
Larry's special offer
code: WR10

There is more to me than my past!
There is more to me than anyone says about you!
You are the master of your Life!
Most important purchase is when you are feeling your worthiness
That is where you get your Power
Who you are meant to be
Grab your Power,don't let it go!
You are the champion
Revolution starts with you
The economy is changed,You no longer look for job,You are going to look inward,decide what you are going to give
Increase your internal reserve,you can give more
Miracles can happen!

Tessera Method

Yesterday(11/15) I Listened to Adam King on
The Tessera Method at:

YouWealth: If you can't benefit by yourself,you can't benefit others
creating a lifestyle which can serve others,create value for others

single piece of mosaic - Tessera
Moving past all the constraints we have,is Tessera
you are not part of the world,you are the world
The Flaw of self development programs-we are just learning,not experiencing,which produces the resistance
Breakthrough - To Be in the moment

Jonathan on 2 forms within us:
1.Elephant -Emotional
Rider gets exhausted because of Elephant,which is emotional
survival code
ANP - Automatic Negatice Processing gets kicked off
The only way out of ANP:
To prove to the elephant,the validity,emotionally
produce more emotional power

Core Constraints:
Environmental Resistance(We Think what want,Once you logically go through that,emotional or survival side predicting negativity,reaching to comfort zone again)
Non-Duality- It allows us to take the attention away from us
Understand the validity and have a breakthrough
Puts the logic back in the seat with the validity
strategic alturism
If we focus on body,we are trapped,once we get out of the body,we know that we are more than our body
Duality is a gift
Don't run away from the body,accept it,show it to come to a conclusion with validity

When you meet someone,your intuition(Gut Check) tells you 100% of who he/she is,but within moments your logic gets in between
Solution is Alturism
All the things are not in you,but in others
Stimulate - It stimulates
Simulation - Take the best part of myself and create simulation,as we produce everything
Gap Theory - What is going to happen next.It forces you to use frontal lobe of brain,working memory as mind can think of onething at a time

Gestalt - Feel whatever is at the moment,You know your thought pattern
you are questioning yourself,stepping back
eg.walking into the grocery store,look into everything,other people,then come back to your awareness,watch your hands
There is no separation,key is to become aware of the separation

1.Survival code: Act of logic coming into false conclusion,putting body 1st,spirit second
6.Act of depending ourseves even if we don't know about it
7."we do what other people think,they believe we should do"
8.fundamental attribution error - we internalise others fault,we externalise our fault
9.Environmental Resistance

Tessera Brings out the survival code from yourself
Tessera helps Break the old synaptic connections and creating new ones
Experiencing it instead of just read it or learn it
You are totally aware of what you want
You can change the environment if you interact with the environment
To change the environment in the real world

1.we focus more on problems
2.It is our perspective

"We create our own suffering"
"Become the person what other people looking for"
Adam's message: "A Shift in perspective will cure everything"

It is tough to summarize this call,i tried my best.

Wonderful Call!
Thanks Darius,Adam for this call!
Adam Kings' Special Offer: www.youwealthrevolution.com/adam

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tapping into the Vibration of Abundance

Today on youwealthrevolution
Tapping Into the Vibration of Abundance!
Youwealth - Internal Abundance
It is a vibration.It is not just money.You can tune into vibration,you get abundance.
In the state of abundance and gratitude,you will attract more abundance.
Stop selling and start serving.When you are serving,you are in abundance.
It is inside of us.
Internal sense of abundance.
You can't get abundance if you feel poor internally.
Clear the static then you are connected to abundance inside

Basic LOA exercises:
Energetic Invitations
I love it when I am financially free
I love it when I am working from home
I love it when I am having more time with family
Thank you Universe for bringing me the abundance
Thank you Universe for bringing me a great Health
Thank you universe for bringing me Joy and Happiness Each and Everyday

If you have Congruence and Clarity,
LOA gives what you want

Think about someone who you don't like - NO
Think about someone you like,makes you happy-YES
favorite color- YES
Color you don't like - NO
Think about someone who you don't like - NO
Think about someone you like,makes you happy-YES

Postpone the mails,phone calls which makes you feel - NO
Address it afternoon or tomorrow
Just wait till it turn around to be YES
Acupunture is the root for EFT
There are Meridian points in our body
Using hands,you are clearing the energy blocks
Tapping helps you to change your energy
It puts you in resonance with all abundance and health
Beliefs are compulsive
Tapping helps You release the limiting beliefs

Tapping Process:
Name the problem-stress,overwhelm
measure the problem
Repeat the following:
Even though I have this problem
I accept myself anyway
Start with Karate chop point
sequential points:
Eye brow point
side of the eye
under the eye
upper lip,under nose
chin point
collar bone point
4inches below your armpit
top of the head
Measure the problem now

Target can be emotion,event
When you tell you the truth,you are in congruence,you are releasing the limiting blocks

Process to get to know the root of the block:
Ask the questions:
what is the downside of being successful?
I am afraid to be successful because ...
If i am successful they will what ...
what is the upside of being unsuccessful?
how does it serves me when i stay unsuccessful

We are all here to shine
EFT and Hypnotheraphy can be combined
EFT can help to cure Sleep Apnea
EFT can be used to resolve stress,depression
Please don't give up!

Thanks Darius,Carol for this wonderful call!
Carol's special offer:
Carol Look's special offer

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Turn Passion into Profits

My favorite coach,Rich German on Passion Live at:

1.9 million homeless children in U.S,can you believe it?
Get a free ebook,Monetize your Passion by Rich German at:
Free Ebook

Process to find out passion:
write down 5 things you love to do more than anything to do and don't worry at all whether you are making money doing those
do all day long,hrs fly by,talk abt it non-stop,you do without pay
look at the list,1 of those 5 things bounce of from the page
That is your passion

no recession when you are doing your passion

Hurdles stop us:
1.Stop us to go from current reality to Dream reality : FEAR
we live in 3 thirds,1st stage- indocternation 2nd stage- Detoxify
3rd stage- Enlightment
don't stay only in head,stay in your heart
Journey into your heart is the wonderful journey
emotional self awareness is very important(self healing)
Action eliminates Fear
Lack of belief leads to fear
2.Lack of Time and Money
3.I don't know How

You need Mindset,Tools,Blueprint to turn your passion into Monetization
Turn passion into online business

Process in a nutshell to turn your passion into business:
1.Build a website or a Blog(by the way,visit mine:
To Help in Self Improvement)
2.Create a community with other people who are having the same passion,create a Database,create a subscribers list,create a joint venture,use social media
"create,don't compete"
Ask the people: How can I support you?
3.Create great content out there into the world and monetize by creating your own products and services
Become an affiliate marketers,sell other people products,sell advertisements

when we are in alignment,we are creating a vibration
Be sure of what you are passionate about
start to put out
You are your own wealth
we are all enlighted
we need to raise the whole world's consciousness
The world needs your LIGHT
Life is like juggling
1.Crystal balls 2.Rubber balls
most of things in life are rubber balls,no harm
"Main thing in life is to keep the main thing as main thing" - Stepehn Covey
we have 3 to 5 crystal balls

Crystal Ball Exercise:
write down what are the crystal balls in your life(most important things in your life)
My Crystal Balls are:
3.Self esteem
5.Financial freedom
make a commitment not to drop your crystal ball at any point of your life

Positive affirmation is just a bandaid
Go to the core of you and live a whole life

Rich German's special:
Special Offer

When your close family doesn't support your passion:
Have a SO WHAT? attitude on your passion
Think that you don't have any choice
Follow your fire in you
People truly loves you,will support you

Take Action
Make it happen by going with someone who are having the same passion
your duty to put out your calling
Exchange of money for what you are doing is fair enough
you can't continue with balanced state what you are doing without money
Get a free ebook,Monetize your Passion by Rich German at:
Free ebook
you are the best people
Take action
you are going to have amazing stories
"Bigger the brealdown,bigger the breakthrough" - Rich German

Why we do what we do:
1.make money
2.make a name
3.make an impact
if you are committed to make an impact,everything will follow
Wealth is not money,wealth is everything i learned,wealth is my experience
wonderful call!
Thanks Darius,Rich
Rich German's special offer:

Special Offer

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Creating a Brand for Life

Today's call is with Kim Castle,here is the summary:

What a wonderful call,so Authentic!
Listen to KIM CASTLE on
Full Frontal Exposure: Creating a Brand
For Life by Selling Soul
at: youwealthrevolution
Unified Conscious development
Close your eyes,open your hands,envision what you are going to bring through your business,your vision
you want to be the next you
extend to future years,feel your vision
Transform what you envision,keep it in your hand,feel it
Recognize what is getting in your way,what is preventing you
write them all down
Know that You are your Brand
1.Admit that you have fear,Have a process at your finger tips to deal with it
2.Hope is heavy,if you keep pretending
3.Stop putting your power into Gurus,Try to be your own Guru
4.Don't just rely on just information,look into the process
you never going to earn more in money,relationships unless you clear your path
Once you have done it,everything becomes easy
your mind and heart,the combination is the Gold
Limit is only in your mind
Be Passionate
You don't need anybody to give permission,to create brand
you are in this planet to solve a problem
You are amazing
You are put into this world to do something amazing
get rid of the fear and put into action
There is no freedom other than in your own expression
It is the fact that you are surviving the challenges,that makes you great
Thanks Darius,Kim
Kim's special offer: Kim's Special Offer

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winning the Inner Game of Business

Today My favorite Transformation Leader JOHN ASSARAF on
Winning the Inner Game of Business
at: www.youwealthrevolution.com/now

YouWealth -
We can never outperform our self image
Life has purpose and meaning
we are not hard wired
we are making connections every moment
Thought pattern and environment can alter our DNA
We can retrain our brain to become more successful
There is a way to access the brain to make the ncessary adjustment in the belief system,by the technology of today
John's experiences:
1.Set written goals in every area of life very specifically - guided by Alan Brown
2.Practiced daily Affirmations,Gratitude,Meditation,Visualization - to alter the self Image
Other than gathering information,something must change today to see the difference in our lives
After research and inner game,the sales of real estate went up, by the sales people in his company
It has to start with retraining our brain
Neuro Sciences - neuro genesis,neuro plasticity
to change our behaviour,beliefs
IQ is one of the ways of measuring the success
There are specific behaviours in business to become successful,need not depend on smartness
pattern of thinking
predictable behavioural pattern
once we think in a certain way,behave in certain way
Habit is created
98% are habitual
Conscious decision on what you want to achieve,goals,dreams,visions - 2%
Present day conditioning,self Image at subconscious level- 98%
If you want to change your life,you have to change the self image in the subconscious level
Explicit memory system in brain- declarative
Implicit memory systems in brain- non-declarative
If you want a different life,you have to change the procedural part of the brain
I am deserving more,I am destined to become more
we are made up of energy
we are in need of change and evolve naturally
but we resist the change
we need to recalibrate our internal thermostat
That is called the winning the inner game
ANT - Automatic Negative Thinking
pattern,neuro circuit makes you to feel insecure

The Process:
1.I am good enough
By creating a right language patterns(Affirmations),in Alpha wave frequency,our brain starts to create new neural patterns
2.Start visualize like a holywood actor/actress on whatever you want
repeat the same with eyes closed in alpha frequency
you start to create new patterns in the brain

you aren't your brain,you aren't your thinking
your spiritual side can guide you retrain the brain
Hypnosis is an excellent way to access the subconscious mind
In a relaxed state,suggestions through repetition,you start to overwrite the old neuro circuit in your brain
Through guided visulization,we can change the beliefs
it can be guided,self,through technology
NLP,EMDR,EFT,Subliminal messaging- all will help
upto 9 levels,we can install programming in our brain
brain entrainment technology
penetrates implicit part of the brain and change the old beliefs
John Assaraf's special offer: www.youwealthrevolution.com/john
Everything is energy
Everything vibrates at a certain frequency
feeling is a word we use to tell us about the vibration
we are picking up energy from the entire cosmos
entanglement - we are all entangled
Intuition and gut feeling is the same
money is never a problem
the vibration you are not in,strategies are the problem
we have to look into the seed of the problem
John Assaraf's special offer: www.youwealthrevolution.com/john
This technology can be used by non-business users also
John Assaraf's special offer: www.youwealthrevolution.com/john
No need for money to start any business
somebody is doing their passion as business
There are many people ready to invest
ways to get people:
ways to get money:
untrained mind doesn't know how to do it
Be better at delegating
John Assaraf's special offer: www.youwealthrevolution.com/john
when you change the way you look,everything will change
we set our own value
money is an idea
light being money
are you sharing the light of yours
are you interested or committed to achieving your life's dream and goals(eg.become a millionaire)
interested - you do whatever convenient for you
committed - you do whatever it takes
Thanks Darius,John for this amazing call!
Listen to John at: Listen to John
John Assaraf's special offer: www.youwealthrevolution.com/john

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ultimate Life Success Tips

The Ultimate Life Success Webinar by Mark Ling founder of Amazing Self:

Self Belief+Skillset = SUCCESS

Health Tips:
5 great ways to boose your energy level:

1.Increase your magnesium intake
eg.Almonds,cashew,whole grains,fish
2.Do a minimum of 10 mins of exercise everyday
3.Reduce your sugar intake(replace juice and coffee with water)
4.Take spirulina daily
5.Make sure you get a good amount of sleep and rest(short naps in day helps good)

5 Super foods to help you live longer:
2.Dark Leafy Greens(A,C,K,Fiber,Iron)
3.Grapes(Red Wine)
4.Cruciferous Vegetables - Broccolli,Cauliflower,Cabbage
5.Almonds - Eat in moderation

Tomatoes,Mushrooms,Green Tea,Whole Grains - Other Great Foods

4 Quick Fat Burning Tips:
1.Drink Oolong Tea
2.Eat Oats for Breakfast - contains Fiber helps in metabolism
3.Eat Lean Beef
4.Do 10 burpees a day,work your way for 5mins continuously

Affirmations : I love doing burpees and I do 5 minutes everyday
I dare to dream and constantly chase my dream

Relationship Tips:
5 secrets all men should know:
1.Live life with energy and keep having lots of fun(+ve energy)
2.Project your Masculinity(by having your goals and dreams that you are actively chasing)
3.Knows what he wants to do everyday and Actively Make decisions
4.Dress your best regularly,be tidy,smell great and always have fresh breath
5.Be occasionally unpredictable(in a good way)

5 secrets all women should know:
1.Project your femininity(Feminine dress,Joyful,Happy)
2.Praise the little stuff,sweat the small stuff too much
3.Keep being the real you
4.Dress your best regularly,be tidy,smell great and always have fresh breath
5.Be occasionally unpredictable(in a good way)

Personal Success Secrets:

Think like a millionaire RIGHT NOW,then become one

5 Key differences between wealthy & poor:
1.Wealthy - Invest their money and spend what is left
Poor - spend their money&Invest what is left

2.Wealthy-Committed to chase their dreams,have undying self belief that allows them to overcome the obstacles
Poor- Try to protect themselves by not getting their hopes up,but in the process lack the self belief required to succeed.

3.Wealthy - Dream Big.
Poor - Think Small(and are often afraid of big dreams).

4.Wealthy- Associate with Rich and Successful people.Read books and learn from those who are successful.
Poor- Associate with poor people and don't have the motivation or the desire to egt out there and learn what suuccessful people have to share with them.

5.Wealthy - Understand the power of their mind and focus on developing strong self belief and an abundance mindset
Poor - Often obstructed by negative self talk whereby they focus on what is going wrong

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How to Unleash Your Heart’s Hidden Power

I am listening to the amazing calls at Youwealth revolution for a week.
Today,saturday's call is a Wonderful call!Amazing and Life Changing!
Listen to DR NELSON on:
How to Unleash Your Heart’s Hidden Power
To Create Massive Wealth!
at: youwealthrevolution

youwealth- we create wealth,true wealth comes from our heart,everyone has a song to sing,unlocking the heart - Dr.Nelson
Emotion Code: simple method to find and release emotional baggage

Our body is nothing but pure energy
all are made of pure energy
we can measure emotions
every emotion is a vibrational energy with frequency
Body is a collection of small energies,flying in tight formation
Trapped energy - a ball of energy,lodged in the body,per example due to grief in the past still we are holding

we are all carrying emotional baggage
Per example,in Relationship challenges,in abundance,this plays a major role
If you follow your heart,you end up a best in your life
As a man thinketh in heart,so as he
In a heart transplant,the receiver receives not only the heart,but the donor's love
Many stories proves that heart stores the enrgy pattern
Trapped energies can cluster at heart
core of your spirit,core of our being is our heart
Heart wall is a energy wall made up of energies
we can measure the magnetic field of the heart
energy is sent to others from heart
Easy to release the emotional block for several years in minutes
when we release the emotion,we feel so better,as we remove the heart wall
then we become what we are in true being
Dr.Nelson use magnets to release the enrgies
sub conscious mind is very logical,it creates a symbol,when the heart wall is created
when we remove those blocked energies,we will attract all we desire,in resonance with what we are

Trapped energies radiate what is there hidden in subconscious mind
when we release our trapped energies,law of attraction is getting activated
anybody can learn emotion code to unlock your heart
This emotion code can help the whole planet and raise the world to a high level of vibrational energy

True abundance comes from releasing
warning signs of having a heart wall:
neck trouble,shoulder pain,disconnected or numb to emotion,being abused,being divorced

sway test:
body has a mechanism to sway towards positive
stand up relaxed,begin with a -ve thought and end with +ve thought
think abt wars,pains,people died,tears- body starts to sway backwards
think abt very,very +ve,we are 1000 yrs in future,your being is a pure light,you learn to give and receive

love unconditionally,the love radiates,infinite pure love radiates and fills the whole world - body goes forward
pose this question to subconscious mind: do i have a trapped emotion in our inability to achieve the

abundance,come up with yes or no
Make a statement : I have a heart wall - true or false whether your body swing forward
Our true nature is to be in abundance
getting back into abundance is to unlock our heart
Birthright of everyone is to be a healer
Emotion code is a simple method of becoming a healer
It is freeing process helps to create abundance
special offer by Dr.Nelson: www.youwealthrevolution.com/brad
magnetic chart defines all the emotions(60 emotions),this can also can be used to release the blocks
there are meridian points,you can just use magnet to invoke these points
you can become certified on this
special offer by Dr.Nelson: www.youwealthrevolution.com/brad
you can use this method from long distance or from remote also(proxy method)
www.healerslibrary.com to learn more
special offer by Dr.Nelson: www.youwealthrevolution.com/brad
Emotion code can release multiple layers of emotional blocks
Even Inherited emotional blocks can be cleared,amazing!
It works for past life issues too!
Listen to this call at: youwealthrevolution
special offer by Dr.Nelson: www.youwealthrevolution.com/brad

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Your Right to be Rich

Here is the summary of Chris Howard's call at:youwealthrevolution

"You are your wealth" - Robert Allen
"Champions are made in Training"
"knowledge set us free"
Wealth Creation ideas:
single mindedness of purpose - Napoleon Hill
Life is like a snowball - warren buffet
You can leaverage your tipping points
Removing your blocks:
Whatever you are seeing in the world is the reflection of your programming
Change yourself to change your bank account
When you are facing a problem,whether you shrink as small or listen your way up?
Man's search is for meaning - Victor Frankl
What would be the lasting impact you can make in this world?
if you a purpose bigger,the barriers will dissolve
Tool: Put your goals in the future
Mighty goals are meant to occur
Listening to Chris Howard at: http://youwealthrevolution.com/now/
simple exercise:
Write down what do you want in 30 days
visualize the snapshot of the final outcome
step inside the picture or goal
look through your eyes
make the picture more colourful
feel the feelings in the body
increase the intensity of the feeling
step out of the picture,Raise above and look the picture
Drop down the picture when you want it to occur in the stream of time
Right back to the now!
Take whatever life throws at you and take it as a gift
Life and Business are processes with challenges
Polish yourself,Start thinking bigger
Learn the skills,Loose yourself in the action
All the unseen things will start to unfold when you are in motion
How can we balance our purpose and day to day financial commitment? - by Kannan Viswagandhi
Chris Howard: Mindstorming,ask a question of what do you want,add the word "easily" to that question,come

up with all the possible solutions,be creative
Darius: Ask yourself the question before going to bed,wake up and get the answer
It is a mind blowing call!
Chris is wonderful,awesome!
Thanks Darius,Chris.
Keep getting up always!
Listen to Chris Howard at: youwealthrevolution
Chris Howard's offer: Chris Howard special offer

Thoughts for today!

Products I Recommend!