Monday, July 25, 2011

Whale Watching in Boston

I was there in Boston in the weekend(7/24/2011).I have a friend of 10 years staying there in strewsburry,working as a software engineer.

He has a kawasaki bike(650CC).We went around the country side of strewsburry on saturday.We went to WWII Memorial beach and Harvard beach.

On sunday,we went to downtown boston for whale watching.It was an amazing experience going that far into the ocean for the 1st time.We saw whales come up for feeding!Atleast 20 of them,ranging 50 feet to 90 feet in length!Enjoy the show!

While waiting for the boat,we had a chance to some amazing flute!Alongwith the musician,there was a juggler(may be his family),treating all of us!Enjoy his performance!

Superb Trip,I like Boston!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Self Esteem Techniques

Listen to Joe Rubino at:
we live life with false assumptions or interpretations
Mind will cause changes in the body
It will release chemicals in the brain
many people addicted to sadness
It allows people to continue as victims
we self sabotage ourselves
we get to justify our behaviour
we create a formula in our life
but is causing us a lot
people with fear always worry
we can create a life of choice with joy
when we shift our energy,we can change our life
what new interpretation i can make up to avoid the old paradigm
are you willing to release the emotion
create a new interpretation
Avoid being in the addictive reational emotional state
take the reative states as a gift
forgive yourself,forgive others
look life in a gratitude way
Everything you worry,write down in a journal
look at good at all the problems
there is a a gift in each problem
have an attitude of looking at life as a big opportunity
life will be never be ideal
take on contribution
make others a little bit better
enjoy the process
when you are living in the process,you will start enjoying your life
We create all kind of evidences to reforce the state of who we are
how to reverse it
how to make others a little better
take out focus from yourself
contribute to others,offer some kindness
you will start acknowledge yourself
we constantly invalidate ourselves by comparing with others
no one can be perfect
everyone has areas to improve in life
try to make everyday a little bit better
you will enjoy the process
shift your vision,you have to work on the false interpretation
have a positive outlook on life
you will be self motivated when you have a positive outlook
greatest challenges can have a greatest impact
find out your greatest power
we are what we declare ourselves to be
what are the 5 qualities,start asking ourselves,how can i develop those
It takes the willingness to learn and grow
we have the ability to transform and reinvent ourselves
It takes courage
the more you do it,you become more of it
Take your 5 qualities you want to reinvent
phrase it as a declaration
create your affirmation or declaration
you step into that quality
the more you do it,you will become more of it
energy vibration and life will shift
There are so many vehicles to create wealth
support other people to what they want
when you contribute others,universe will support you
vision is like an umbrella for what you want in life
empathy,gratitude,forgiveness,positive expectation in life - These are the building blocks of life
It is not enough to want it,you have to believe yourself and you need self motivation
all these little keys along the way,when they add up,you will become a new person
Right thinking - supports you
every challenge is having a seed for a great gift
you become filled with love
you move on to manifest

Monday, July 18, 2011

Energy Clearing

Listen to Carolyn Cooper at:
Gratitude is higher energy
have a gratitude log
get into the vibration of that energy

Self Worthiness:
I am worthy in all areas of life!
I am well paid for what i love to do!
I find joy in my life
My Future is safe

my financial future is safe
I have financial security regardless of economy
There is plenty for me
There is plenty for everyone
My success helps others to succeed
I am trustworthy and honest
I easily get ahead being honest

Relationship with one's self:
I am connected to my self
I approve myself
I love myself
I approve and accept myself

It is safe for me in relationship
Trust your intuition
Approval and acceptance are keys
I am a good partner
I attarct the ideal partner for me
we have equal exchange of energy
I am worthy and committed to have a healthy relationship
I am comfortable in social gathering
People value what i have to offer
I attract right clients for me
I have the clarity
I have the resources that i need

Your Body:
Every cell of the body is full of intelligence
They work together and optimally
They know what they are doing
the body has its healing power
body is so smart
it is so forgiving
such an amazing beautiful machine

I am patient with myself
I allow the life's process to unfold on its own
It is all in divine order
I am always in the right place at the right time


Thursday, July 14, 2011

q&A - II with Rikka Zimmerman

Call with Rikka continues at:
from a clean slate of mind,you can choose anything
Never resist anything
Resistance is refusing to receive
People can give you what they can give themselves
Infinite being is never being hurt
you can't be hurt
Infinite beings don't need protection
what your judgement creates your reality?
your point of view creates your reality
every judgement is like tuning a dial
Generative, energy,space and consciousness
Rikka's Clearing statement: Good or Bad,right or wrong,All 9,PAD,PAC,shorts,boys and beyond
No one is greater than you unless you make so
what if getting into judgement about your body is difficult?
with every judgement,you are cutting of the energy which will change your body
visulaise the STOP sign everytime when you judge your body and feel into the regenerative energy
make judgemnet is a foreign object in your universe
ask who does it belong to whenever you judge yourself
your body is more conscious than you
every cell of your body is conscious

what if money is used for change in this world?
what if you begin to receive money like you breathe?
don't say i want money
start asking questions instead
what if lot of money show up?
only thing big enough for you is you
make money to be light,don't make it heavy,don't make a drama around money
what if the amount of money you need or desire becomes comfortable to you?
what if universe desires to give you everything?
what if universe supports unconditionally?
Universe,what would take for money to show up?
Universe has more ways to bless you
Remove the fear
feel the bridges of light
Say I love myself,I love my life,I love my experiences
Challenges brought you access consciousness
there is a higher purpose for your existence here
what is actually valuable to me? - ask yourself
you are more about energy
evergy of having you,not judging you,waking up acknowledging you
you are the one looking for you,nothing else
every choice you make,what if you celebrate
Mantra of access consciousness:
All of life comes to me with ease,joy,glory

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Q&A with Rikka Zimmerman

Q&A with Rikka at:
Fear is a Lie
You are an infinite being
there is a difference between excitement and fear
what if that excitement is really what you are showing up
mind can find what we already know
living in the question
if you let you go of the past,you will have more possibilities
we have to go beyond our mind,clear and release the blocks
what else can i add to my life?
what if if you asking questions?
asking questions make you lighter
what else can bring more money?
what if money was not hard?
what if life is not hard?
Receiving is easy
what if you receive money just like breathe?
action is required
what if you are 1000% more psychic and aware?
what if you are like a satellite which picks up information from around?
there is no way to take you out of oneness
what if 99% thoughts doesn't belong to you?
whenever you get a thought,ask : who does it belong to?
Judgement locks in what you judge
when we judge something as wrong,we lock it in
what if you don't judge as right or wrong
POC - point of creation
POD - point of destruction
prove that you are powerful enough
what if all are judgement you think about yourself are all lies
what if these are oldest lies
judgement won't give more of you
what if you forgot to judge you
what if you lose the capacity to judge

what if it is not about money but it is of being and receiving
what if every opportunity is under your nose
being who you are is easy
what if what you are looking for you is you?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spirituality in the new economy

Hans King on Spirituality at :
GOD loves you absolutely,unconditionally
God won't judge you,only you judge yourself
you are already enough
Spirituality is who you are
you mingle the enrgy and become spiritual
spirit never looks at deed,looks at intention
yes i can,yes i am
It is perception
It is cause and effect
you see what you look for
when you believe,a way will be found
when you change your perception,you will see who you are
when you are feeling enough,your economic condition changes
you have to look past your limitation
there is enormous wealth of everything avaialble for the person who changes his/her perception
Angel - Bearer of information
You can't for abundance if you are not enough
when you say you want to be wealthy,you send a signal of you are not enough
Greatest enemy is our mind chatter
Low self esteem is the root cause of not having abundance
if you have perfect faith,your mind chatter won't allow to interfere your path
You are here for a reason,not as an accident
we have enormous potential
we have unconditional love
we are so loved by the spirit
every baby is a smile from god
every one is a gift of god
what really is enough for me?
when you realise that you are not dosconnected from the spirit,that starts the process
you are spirit in human form
everbody can be taught how to ask and receive answers from the spirit
who are already is sufficient
you are perfect
get it now
you vibrate at certain frequency
I hear that
each person hears at certain tone
know the vibrational presence of the spirit and raise your frequency
we are not so alone
spirit has no judgement
Spirit sees us as baby angel and how are we doing in this experience
soulmate relationship
soulmate lover
soulmate friendship
soulmate animal
when you mix up these,you are in trouble
only you can give peace and joy
Gaining control over the mind chatter is the key
secret says i am enough,i deserve
I am strong,i will make it,i will be the person i want to be
find out who you really are
what you wanted to be before you become what you are?
how old would you be if you are not of your age?
do you have any how much you are loved?
god loves you so much more than anyone
what can you make of this
who are you
find out who you are
you are abundance,joy,hope
you are enough is the key for almost everything

Releasing Techniques

Listen to larry Crane on Releasing Techniques at:
when you live in a world of everything,you become a person of giving
don't be a consumer,be a giver
mind is like a computer
once you get a virus,it suppress our mind
it goes into subconscious mind
past programs put i can'ts in your subconscious mind
get rid of what is bothering you and get into harmony in life
mind feels in pictures
if you suppress lot of negativity,it will surface agagin
these negative feelings are ready to leave
once you get rid of these negativity,our body feels very light
when you are contracting the negativity,your body contracts
best doctor of all is our body,it can heal itself
get into harmony with the body,your body can get rid of any diseases
disease - you are not at ease
when you are not at ease,you will get disease
if you are living in the past and trying to change something happened in the past,it is a waste of time
feel it you are very healthy and allow it to expand more and more
positive energy is always inside you
allow it to expand more and more
garbage in,garbage out
allow your whole past story to dissolve it

Friday, July 8, 2011

Unlock your heart for Abundance

Bradley Nelson on Unleasing the Heart's hidden power at youwealth:
youwealth - wealth really come from our core being
True wealth comes from our heart
every person has a song to sing and it comes from the heart
emotion code - finding and releasing the emotion baggage
collection of energy flying together
body starts to vibrate at the emotional level
energy is trapped in the body,it is invisible,little ball of energy
Trapped emotion will distort the normal energy of the body
you will feel the disease
you can find the trapped emotion through muscle testing
if you follow your heart,you will end up in best possible destination
As a man thinketh in his heart,so as he
God won't see the outside appearance,but a man's heart
person who received a heart, inherited the love of the owner
Heart is the seed of the soul
love and creativity comes from heart
Heart is the subconscious mind as per Bradley nelson
Heart ache - when you are hurt
when you are experiencing the heart ache couple of times,you will put a heart wall within you
Heart wall is an energy wall
we can measure the magnetic field if the heart
heart is sending out energy to another person
no shortage of ways to find abundance
abundance comes from unlocking your heart and sing the song you were created here for
Magnets are used to release the trapped energy
subconscious mind creates a symbolic material when it creates the wall
symptoms of a blocked heart - neck trouble,shoulder problems,disconnected feeling,numb to feeling,hard time to connecting to the right person,if you are abused earlier in your life
subconscious mind is a archived part,we can tune into it
Way to test - sway test,all organisms resond to the ositive and negative
human body built into it
body tends to forward for positivity and falls backforward for negativity

Process: stand up very relaxed
Think about war,think about the suffering,think about the tears,all the lives ruined
As you think about these,get into resonance with the war,body tends to sway backforwards
Now,think about positive
Imagine a 1000 years gone by
you become a being of pur light
you have learned to give and receive unconditional love,every moment
infinite pure love radiating out from you
imagine that is what you become
The moment you get into that resonance,your body tends to sway forward

Ask your subconscious mind:
Do i have a trapped emotion that is interfearing with my ability to create abundance?
I have a heart wall - just think that,true - body will swing forward

Old feeling will melt away
True being is a creature of abundance
all about unlocking our heart
we are somebody else
we are bathed into the negativity all along
what we really want is hidden in the deepest part of our being
step out into a new person who are meant to be
Birthright of everyone is a healer
we are reclaiming the birthright of healing
unlocking the heart is a freeing process
all things start to happen naturally

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tapping your way into Abundance

Carol Look on abundance at youwealth:
youwealth is real wealth
It is internal wealth
It is your heart and soul
Abundance - It is a vibration ,it is not a dollar amount!
It is a feeling!
Tune into the vibration,you will be abundant!
If you focus on money,you will slow down the process of manifestation
You can't get rich if you feel poor
Clear the static within yourself
clearing out the junk
I love it when I am enjoying my time with my family!
Thank you universe for bringing me the freedom and multiple sources of income!
If you are congruant and clear,universe will bring you abundance
Next Yes- if you get yes to your next decision,then go ahead
if you get a color which you like,it is a YES
Just reading emails also,check out whether you feel yes or no
read those emails for which you get yes
EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique
It is based on chinese acupunture and meridian points in the body
If you change your energy,you will change your income
Beliefs are compulsive
if you clear your beliefs,you will be abundant
You need a target for EFT
emotion,event,symptom - these are targets
we can use EFT for anxiety about money,future,job
deserving issues,comfort zones,relationship issues with money - we can use EFT
change your enrgy to change your life
write down:
what is the down side of being successful?
I am afraid of being successful because...
If i am succssful,they will what...
what is the upside of being where we are?
How does it serve you being at the same place where you are?
You are here for a reason
please don't give up
change the internal consciousness about abundance

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Super Hero Learning

Listen to Jim Kwik at:
motivation - motive for action
H3- head,heart,hand
you can't steer a parked car
power of profound knowledge
you have genius within you
you have gifts and abilities you may not be even aware of
end the trance-transcend
MOM-Remember your MOM
Reason preceds Results
Reason comes first
what you practice in private will be praised in public
power of now,be in the flow
stand guard your doorway to your mind
Practice makes Progress
NET- No ExtraTime
S-Say the name
You are the expert
U-Use the name
A-Ask the name
what i do i understand
TIP-Turn into a Picture
Kids don't know what they they don't know
They are not afraid of making mistakes
E-End with a name
Leaders are Readers
Quicker learning is quicker earning
Don't let the school get into your education
Einstein increased the connections in his brain


you have more gifts than you imagine

Thoughts for today!

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