Sunday, June 8, 2008

Self Improvement Newsletters and Ezines

I have a long list of some wonderful newsletters.I enrolled in major self-improvement websites for receiving newsletters.They are really enriching my knowledge and they are like vitamins to my soul.
Here are some of the Best Newsletters:

1.Jim Rohn's Ezine:

This is one of the best ezines.Full of great stuff on personal development.
Articles by Jim Rohn and other authors,a moremost authority on self development,vitamins for minds by Jim,seminar details and book offers,etc.They have an affiliate program also.It is a weekly ezine.

2.Your Achievement Ezine:

As per the ezine:
Your Achievement Ezine is committed to helping our readers grow both personally and professionally by consistently applying time proven principles and ideas in areas such as time management, leadership, communication, sales, investment, marketing and goal setting from many of today's recognized authorities on success.

Free subscription to Your Achievement Ezine, have them send an email to with Join in the subject.


3.BrianTracy Newslatter:
A very useful newsletter from another leading figure in self development areana.
As per Brian,his newsletter:
It's my goal to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster than you ever imagined - and my newsletter is one powerful way I can help you.

My newsletters will help you connect with your goals. Each issue includes powerful techniques detailing exactly how you can succeed. Millions have succeeded using the information found in these newsletters - and now its time for you to succeed.


4.Bob Proctor's Insights of the day:

It is one of the mails i eagerly open each day for its inspirational content.
As per the website:
Strat your day with apositive message to reflect upon.
Receive an uplifting quote monday through thursday and an inspirational story on friday.


5.Denis Waitley Newsletter:

It is another newsletter full of great content.
As per Denis Waitley,his online newsletter:
My goal is to offer valuable, relevant, leading edge, and interesting content, with some innovative and refreshing differences from the other ezines and newsletters you may be receiving.

If you would like to subscribe, send an email to:

6.Dr.Wayne Dyer's enews:

This is one of the inspirational enews from the leading authority in self development dr.wayne dyer.


7.Seeds of Success:

It is a compact newsletter from the success magazine.
Small nuggets of self improvement tips like health tips,cool your temper.


8.Robin Sharma newsletter:

He is one of the leading leadership coach.
Independent Survey Puts Robin as #2 in the Top Ten List of Leadership Gurus: ranked Robin #2 of the top 10 leadership gurus in the world.
In a survey that went to over 22,000 business thinkers world-wide Robin was recognized for the originality of his ideas, his international impact and his presentation style.
This is a monthly newsletter,full of ideas on leadership and self development.

9.Steve Pavlina's newsletter:

This steve pavlina's personal insights newsletter.It is one of the more detailed newsletters which carry more indepth study on personal development.
His Articles are great.His Podcasts are awesome.

There are so many other great newsletters on self improvement.It is an ocean,jump into it,you will enjoy!

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