Saturday, December 4, 2010


Free Gift,"Homecoming" audi by Adam King of Tessera Method,check out at:

Here is my experience after listening to the audio:

Listening to the Homecoming is an incredible experience.
I was able to feel the presence of the presenter,mentally move myself right and left when he is saying so.

When the pencil is sribbling at a fast pace,lot of people are running here and there,fighting each other.There is everywhere.
The voice is asking what do you do to stop?
It is commanding,it is repeating its question.I say by getting rid of my nagative thoughts.

When the page is empty and i am able to scribble with pencil.
Then i am transported to my home at salem,Tamilnadu,India.
I am living happily with my family,financially free,money coming from multiple sources.
I am speaking,writing,publishing,mentoring people.
I am having many businesses.
I am running many charities,helping and serving lot of others.
I am free,joyful,happy at my home.

When the music portion starts,i am standing near my aunt now at hom eplace,struggling for her life.
I am holding her hand,giving courage.I am saying don't fear,be courageous.
You have done your journey here,you will be safe and happy there,without any of these physical pains.
You fed us,hold us in your lap.we played with have told us beautiful stories.
Thank you so much for everything.Thank you,Thank you.
I am telling my father who is there(assed away 2 years before) to take care of her when she is coming there.

I am feeling very light,dissolving into deep meditative state.It is very peaceful.
It is a profound experience.Thank you Adam.Thank you Darius.

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