T Harv Eker on change your financial future in 2011
at: Youwealthrevolution
Inner Wealth is youwealth
your own power
believing that you have power
Access the true power in yourself
we live in a victim mentality
we are always complaining
It is not the same world
we all have a Money Blueprint
It is like a thermostat-financial thermostat
For a permanent change,To change the thermostat on a permanent level,same for finance too
The Root cause is Money Blueprint
Subconscious level of money blue print should be set correctly(set point)
who set it?
the people when you are young,in the empty files of your mind
Your thoughts -> feelings -> actions -> results
we are missing something here
programming comes before your thoughts
our file cabinets are not supportive to wealth and success
Look at the result you have now to know everything you need to know
It is not the economy
the World is full of new opportunities
1.Youwealth - Rely always on you
2.How to create wealth - need to help others
we can change our blueprint absolutely!
Analogy - hardware and software - in a computer
Changing the software - changing the money blueprint
don't worry about the hardware
can i change?
how does that work(transformation)?
mind - file cabinet
open up the files,see what in there,pulling the files are old,unsupportive
replace with new and supportive files
strengthen some of the files
we have some files which are good and strong
willing to do whatever you got
Only cellular transformation is permanent
how many of "YOU" are there ever before or right now,ever going to be?
you are pretty special,unique
T Harv Eker -> T - The only one Harv Eker
wow,what an awesome story!
I can get results
I can pass through all the things now going through
Choose the vechicle in alignment with who you are,passionate about,unique to you,you are strong
at,naturally talented at
Money is easy
how do i make money? bad question
we have to earn money
A person who "solves problems" for people at profit or pay - business person or person at work
you are a problem solver
now you know how to earn money
solve problems for more people,more money you can get
what problem you can solve?
Who you are at the root is the key to financial success
money is an reward for solving problems for people
don't put your emphasis on money,put your heart on how you can solve problems for people
None of them will work unless you change your inner money thermostat
outer world,inner world - both should be in alignment
once you change your money blueprint,everything will change automatically
when you do the things at certain way like successful people do,you will become successful
T Harv Eker's message:
Own your freaking power
stop doubting yourself
what you focus on expanding,focus on good
start focus on what is working
don't complain!
take whatever you got,start from where you are
nobody will handover success in a platter
Start a new page in your life
If you want success,'BE' a success
Millionaire Mind Intensive:
Harv's special offer
Life is a journey of eternal soul to merge with that ONE. We are all unique. Every one of us is a Lighthouse. We are made up of star stuff. This blog is trying to help you to shine your light and light up this whole world.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Magic of Theta Healing
Listen to Brent Phillip on
The Truth Behind the Law of Attraction:The Miracle and Magic of Theta Healing
at : Youwealth
we are unconsciously creating every wealth inside
Recognition of your inner being
Theta Healing:
every aspect of reality is created by us
we are connected by cosmic network
we are no longer victim to the circumstances
process of theta healing is the ability to trigger theta wave to open up your subconscious mind
How do you make GOD laugh,tell him your plans
Amazing story Brent!
This healing method is very subjective
What is Theta Healing?
Brent - Master the method,improved it
learned the spritual aspect,found processes,tools
Law of Attraction:
power of subconscious mind
LOA is very real and powerful
what is missing is: addressing the subconscious mind
95% is results locked up in subconscious mind
there should be no subconscious blocks
belief systems enbedded into our tissues level
Theta Healing have methodologies to identify the limiting subconscious beliefs and clear
muscle testing - ask questions to subconscious mind,body cellular memory
Using Theta wave to open up the subconscious mind
Just like bugs in our computer programming,we are manipulating the symptoms,instead of addressing the root
To really fix it,apply patch,fix the hard drive code
We all have software,the subconscious mind(software of the soul)
all our experiences are created by this software programming
we are code for all these experience
find the program and chnging is theta healing
you can debug your subconscious mind using theta healing
your whole life is created by your subconscious mind
Your life should be aligned with your spiritual truth
if you know the model of this universe working,we won't call this as miracles
it is different from what we thought
the world is having some solididty - our thought
that is not true,it is an illusion
life is an illusion
whole reality is created out of your energy,conscious
if you are not doing anything in a computer,it is static
same like our life
if you clear your subconscious mind,your whole life will be different
what is you going through in your life is driving to your destiny - Darius
There is a reason you are here
the universe created a space for you to be here
If you keep your heart is open,you will have the chance to grow
Brent Philips website: www.thetahealingla.com
Brent Philips's special offer:
Brent's Special Offer
Darius's email id: taxenterprises@yahoo.com
The Truth Behind the Law of Attraction:The Miracle and Magic of Theta Healing
at : Youwealth
we are unconsciously creating every wealth inside
Recognition of your inner being
Theta Healing:
every aspect of reality is created by us
we are connected by cosmic network
we are no longer victim to the circumstances
process of theta healing is the ability to trigger theta wave to open up your subconscious mind
How do you make GOD laugh,tell him your plans
Amazing story Brent!
This healing method is very subjective
What is Theta Healing?
Brent - Master the method,improved it
learned the spritual aspect,found processes,tools
Law of Attraction:
power of subconscious mind
LOA is very real and powerful
what is missing is: addressing the subconscious mind
95% is results locked up in subconscious mind
there should be no subconscious blocks
belief systems enbedded into our tissues level
Theta Healing have methodologies to identify the limiting subconscious beliefs and clear
muscle testing - ask questions to subconscious mind,body cellular memory
Using Theta wave to open up the subconscious mind
Just like bugs in our computer programming,we are manipulating the symptoms,instead of addressing the root
To really fix it,apply patch,fix the hard drive code
We all have software,the subconscious mind(software of the soul)
all our experiences are created by this software programming
we are code for all these experience
find the program and chnging is theta healing
you can debug your subconscious mind using theta healing
your whole life is created by your subconscious mind
Your life should be aligned with your spiritual truth
if you know the model of this universe working,we won't call this as miracles
it is different from what we thought
the world is having some solididty - our thought
that is not true,it is an illusion
life is an illusion
whole reality is created out of your energy,conscious
if you are not doing anything in a computer,it is static
same like our life
if you clear your subconscious mind,your whole life will be different
what is you going through in your life is driving to your destiny - Darius
There is a reason you are here
the universe created a space for you to be here
If you keep your heart is open,you will have the chance to grow
Brent Philips website: www.thetahealingla.com
Brent Philips's special offer:
Brent's Special Offer
Darius's email id: taxenterprises@yahoo.com
Sleep Your Way to Success
Listen to Wendt Robbins on sleep your way to success
at: Youwealthrevolution
Our greatest fear is we are powerful beyond our imagination!
holistic wealth
In service to millions of other people
shifting and changing our belief system helps in a great way
what is my disempowering beliefs?
we need to pinpoint our beliefs
keep a shovel and keep on digging inside you
once you release all the limiting beliefs,you can be free
measure in the scale of 1 to 10,where are you now?
what do you do now?
The Process:
How to get rid of your negative beliefs:
Ask these powerful questions:
1.find out what do you believe
2.where did you pick that belief?
3.why do you believe that?
4.what do you get out of believing that those beliefs?
5.Is this belief real?
6.choose the opposite of that belief
7.Create examples in your life of doing the opposite of your belief
8.what would happen if you let go of that limiting belief?
As you grow,evolve more,you will find your limiting beliefs
Thoughts and feelings leads into actions which produces results
we are having 60000 thoughts per day,out of which,major % are limiting beliefs
Do your thought work as well as belief work
"You Go Girl" - Marriane Williamson
'As you wish' - say to your thoughts
whenever you get a Negative thought - say 'Cancel'
You direct the messages sent to your subconscious,make it all positive
BE,DO,HAVE - This is the process
when we remove the negative programming,we can become what we meant to be
get back to the root,remove the negative beliefs,you will become the person you want to be
go girl
you have permission to be rich
My job is not to know about the how,it is source's job
our source knows the how
be in service
have the big why,don't worry about the How
wonderful story Wendy
Under promise,Over deliver
we need people who are living in passion and love
Wendy's message:
you can't have your excuse and your win at the same time
Have a Huge WHY
nobody on this that they can't succeed
those old stories won't hold you back
if you keep on doing what you are doing now,expecting a different results,you are crazy
give a gift of empowerment to others
life we live now,life we want to be,connect the gap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wendyrobbins
Wendy's main site: www.nowheremillionaire.com
Wendy's special offer:
Wendy's Special Offer
at: Youwealthrevolution
Our greatest fear is we are powerful beyond our imagination!
holistic wealth
In service to millions of other people
shifting and changing our belief system helps in a great way
what is my disempowering beliefs?
we need to pinpoint our beliefs
keep a shovel and keep on digging inside you
once you release all the limiting beliefs,you can be free
measure in the scale of 1 to 10,where are you now?
what do you do now?
The Process:
How to get rid of your negative beliefs:
Ask these powerful questions:
1.find out what do you believe
2.where did you pick that belief?
3.why do you believe that?
4.what do you get out of believing that those beliefs?
5.Is this belief real?
6.choose the opposite of that belief
7.Create examples in your life of doing the opposite of your belief
8.what would happen if you let go of that limiting belief?
As you grow,evolve more,you will find your limiting beliefs
Thoughts and feelings leads into actions which produces results
we are having 60000 thoughts per day,out of which,major % are limiting beliefs
Do your thought work as well as belief work
"You Go Girl" - Marriane Williamson
'As you wish' - say to your thoughts
whenever you get a Negative thought - say 'Cancel'
You direct the messages sent to your subconscious,make it all positive
BE,DO,HAVE - This is the process
when we remove the negative programming,we can become what we meant to be
get back to the root,remove the negative beliefs,you will become the person you want to be
go girl
you have permission to be rich
My job is not to know about the how,it is source's job
our source knows the how
be in service
have the big why,don't worry about the How
wonderful story Wendy
Under promise,Over deliver
we need people who are living in passion and love
Wendy's message:
you can't have your excuse and your win at the same time
Have a Huge WHY
nobody on this that they can't succeed
those old stories won't hold you back
if you keep on doing what you are doing now,expecting a different results,you are crazy
give a gift of empowerment to others
life we live now,life we want to be,connect the gap
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wendyrobbins
Wendy's main site: www.nowheremillionaire.com
Wendy's special offer:
Wendy's Special Offer
Free Gift,"Homecoming" audi by Adam King of Tessera Method,check out at:
Here is my experience after listening to the audio:
Listening to the Homecoming is an incredible experience.
I was able to feel the presence of the presenter,mentally move myself right and left when he is saying so.
When the pencil is sribbling at a fast pace,lot of people are running here and there,fighting each other.There is everywhere.
The voice is asking what do you do to stop?
It is commanding,it is repeating its question.I say by getting rid of my nagative thoughts.
When the page is empty and i am able to scribble with pencil.
Then i am transported to my home at salem,Tamilnadu,India.
I am living happily with my family,financially free,money coming from multiple sources.
I am speaking,writing,publishing,mentoring people.
I am having many businesses.
I am running many charities,helping and serving lot of others.
I am free,joyful,happy at my home.
When the music portion starts,i am standing near my aunt now at hom eplace,struggling for her life.
I am holding her hand,giving courage.I am saying don't fear,be courageous.
You have done your journey here,you will be safe and happy there,without any of these physical pains.
You fed us,hold us in your lap.we played with you.you have told us beautiful stories.
Thank you so much for everything.Thank you,Thank you.
I am telling my father who is there(assed away 2 years before) to take care of her when she is coming there.
I am feeling very light,dissolving into deep meditative state.It is very peaceful.
It is a profound experience.Thank you Adam.Thank you Darius.
Here is my experience after listening to the audio:
Listening to the Homecoming is an incredible experience.
I was able to feel the presence of the presenter,mentally move myself right and left when he is saying so.
When the pencil is sribbling at a fast pace,lot of people are running here and there,fighting each other.There is everywhere.
The voice is asking what do you do to stop?
It is commanding,it is repeating its question.I say by getting rid of my nagative thoughts.
When the page is empty and i am able to scribble with pencil.
Then i am transported to my home at salem,Tamilnadu,India.
I am living happily with my family,financially free,money coming from multiple sources.
I am speaking,writing,publishing,mentoring people.
I am having many businesses.
I am running many charities,helping and serving lot of others.
I am free,joyful,happy at my home.
When the music portion starts,i am standing near my aunt now at hom eplace,struggling for her life.
I am holding her hand,giving courage.I am saying don't fear,be courageous.
You have done your journey here,you will be safe and happy there,without any of these physical pains.
You fed us,hold us in your lap.we played with you.you have told us beautiful stories.
Thank you so much for everything.Thank you,Thank you.
I am telling my father who is there(assed away 2 years before) to take care of her when she is coming there.
I am feeling very light,dissolving into deep meditative state.It is very peaceful.
It is a profound experience.Thank you Adam.Thank you Darius.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Prosperity Harmone
Elle Drake
on The Prosperity Hormone:The Bio-Chemistry of Success
Bio-chemistry of success
Prosperity Harmones
how do you change the nervous system
we need AQ: Abundance Quotient
Sexual Transmutation of energy:
magnetism - energy we eminate from inside,it is not aura,being congruent who really are
inside,ability to be magnetic
Prosperity Harmones:
2 nervous systems : sympathtic,para sympathetic pathway
fight or flight mechanism - sympathetic pathway
when we are in sympathetic pathway,causes hypothalamus releases adreline,men thrive on it
too much adrenaline also not good
we need to switch into para sympathetic pathway
embodying your own message is great
we too have to create adrenaline
women shouldn't have more adrenaline,otherwise it will store as a fat
another harmone cartizone,which again stores as fat
women require adrenaline when they are in survival mode
as a women,we need not to have adrenaline
effect: high pitch voice(due to too much adrenaline)
most important thing for success,abundance,prosperity: consistency
when women has more adrenaline,they start to doubt themselves
Oxitozine harmone- secreted in women's body when para sympathetic pathway is activated
when women feel safe,not in survival mode,then body will switch to para sympathetic
pathway,oxitozine will be secrted,which is prosperity harmone
3 categories of women:
1.over adreline
2.do nothing
3.Hybrid model - living in para symathetic pathway,having a healthy level of oxitozine
99.9% of affirmations activate adrenaline
e.g : I am a Millionaire,I am a money magnet - good for men,not for women
the way we breathe can trigger adrenaline or cortizone
the intake of breathe will make empowered for man
exhale is for women - feel safe,secreates cortizone
for women,just allow a deep breathe,on exhale,let it come through mouth,with a nice sound
vegas nerve,10th nerve,longest in the body - it allows to secreate cortizone
our guts is a second brain
when we do sound exhale,it vibrates the vegas nerve,it activates oxitozine
scan your body
if you have resistance in the body,then you have more adrenaline
how youwalk,sit can trigger oxitozine
there is never a overdose of oxitozine
the way you speak,pitch of your voice,the way you look at someone,the words you use -
everything can trigger either adreline or Oxitozine
The way the emails are written for women customers are different from men
3 levels of purpose
personal,professional,global - purposes
burden of wasted potential is the most burden of all
Wonderful call!
Thanks Elle,Darius!
Elle's special offer: Elle special offer
on The Prosperity Hormone:The Bio-Chemistry of Success
Bio-chemistry of success
Prosperity Harmones
how do you change the nervous system
we need AQ: Abundance Quotient
Sexual Transmutation of energy:
magnetism - energy we eminate from inside,it is not aura,being congruent who really are
inside,ability to be magnetic
Prosperity Harmones:
2 nervous systems : sympathtic,para sympathetic pathway
fight or flight mechanism - sympathetic pathway
when we are in sympathetic pathway,causes hypothalamus releases adreline,men thrive on it
too much adrenaline also not good
we need to switch into para sympathetic pathway
embodying your own message is great
we too have to create adrenaline
women shouldn't have more adrenaline,otherwise it will store as a fat
another harmone cartizone,which again stores as fat
women require adrenaline when they are in survival mode
as a women,we need not to have adrenaline
effect: high pitch voice(due to too much adrenaline)
most important thing for success,abundance,prosperity: consistency
when women has more adrenaline,they start to doubt themselves
Oxitozine harmone- secreted in women's body when para sympathetic pathway is activated
when women feel safe,not in survival mode,then body will switch to para sympathetic
pathway,oxitozine will be secrted,which is prosperity harmone
3 categories of women:
1.over adreline
2.do nothing
3.Hybrid model - living in para symathetic pathway,having a healthy level of oxitozine
99.9% of affirmations activate adrenaline
e.g : I am a Millionaire,I am a money magnet - good for men,not for women
the way we breathe can trigger adrenaline or cortizone
the intake of breathe will make empowered for man
exhale is for women - feel safe,secreates cortizone
for women,just allow a deep breathe,on exhale,let it come through mouth,with a nice sound
vegas nerve,10th nerve,longest in the body - it allows to secreate cortizone
our guts is a second brain
when we do sound exhale,it vibrates the vegas nerve,it activates oxitozine
scan your body
if you have resistance in the body,then you have more adrenaline
how youwalk,sit can trigger oxitozine
there is never a overdose of oxitozine
the way you speak,pitch of your voice,the way you look at someone,the words you use -
everything can trigger either adreline or Oxitozine
The way the emails are written for women customers are different from men
3 levels of purpose
personal,professional,global - purposes
burden of wasted potential is the most burden of all
Wonderful call!
Thanks Elle,Darius!
Elle's special offer: Elle special offer
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