Saturday, October 31, 2009

Aim for the Heart

Aim For the Heart! by Miguel Alvarez

Copywriting is an art.
A Sales letter is an important piece in the marketing strategy.
It has to pull the attention of the customer,help him to make a decision,
make him to take action.
This little report on copywriting talks about the important aspects of copywriting.
It gives you the difference between 'Copy' and 'Emotional Copy'.
It covers all the emotional aspects in buying and how to use them.
It talks about various personalities(communication styles) and how to tweak your sales letter.
It explains the copywriting process based on AIDA formula(Attention,Interest,Desire,Action).
It gives you a sample sales letter to start with.
It empahsizes on customer feedback in copywriting.

It is a information rich,small ebook on copywriting.
I highly recommend this report.

Get your free copywriting report 'Aim for the Heart' at:
Aim for the Heart

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Belief Busters Report

Belief Buster First Aid Kit by John Milton Fogg:

Every day we are thinking about so many things.
Almost 75,000 thoughts per day.
Due to fear,many of our thoughts are negative.
This negative thinking is formed due to our beliefs,
which were formed in childhood,came from parents,teachers,friends,etc.
These negative beliefs drag anyone down from what one is intended to achieve.
These are like deep routed diseases.

John's Belief Busters first aid kit gives some valuable,practical tools to bust these negative beliefs.
These are the tools suggested by John:

2.Whenever you have some negative thoughts,say to yourself 'Let Go,Let God'.
3.Combine audio command with visual image like stop sign to stop these negative thoughts.
4.Use the STOP Acronym:
S-Say the word 'STOP'
T-Take a break
O-Focus on the outcome
P-Praise yourself

5.Use Ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice "Huna" popularized by Joe Vitale in his book with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Zero Limits.
6.Believe in Love.
7.Use Belief Buster and Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT) tapping method.

It is a great little book to get rid of our negative thoughts and beliefs.

Watch this video from John:

Download it free at: Belief Busters First Aid Kit

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

Secrets of Self Made Millionaires
by Adam Khoo

Do you ever wonder what it would take to become a self-made millionaire?
Do you wish you had the resources they had?
Do you believe that sadly you don’t have a chance?

Cheer up. You do have a chance. There’s an easy way to get access to the very secrets that helped self-made millionaires become who they are.
And they’re not just the fluffy generalities you find in many books. They’re the real deal.

Adam Khoo’s Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires, doesn’t just provide a list of the kind of information that enabled the self-made millionaires to make their millions.
You don’t find just pep talks although there are plenty of those. In fact, as you go through the book, you’ll discover, there’s real effort involved, and those pep talks can come in handy.
You’ll have to work on your mindset as well as on your business. But it can be done.
It has been done many times before, and Adam’s book gives you the tools to do it too.

The only problem: No more excuses.

So how will it work? In Adam’s typical style, he shares his personal history and plenty of motivational stories to get you excited and show you that you do have what it takes.
If the people in his stories could do it, surely, you can too.

Adam gets you started with a little soul searching: Under the heading, “Reasons why I’m not rich yet,” you’re invited to list the reasons why you, yes you, are not yet rich.
Then he proceeds to teach you how to overcome each and every one of those reasons.

He continues with an overview over the 9 habits of self-made Millionaires: from always exceeding expectations to being proactive, taking total responsibility,
doing what you love, and more. The last one: Millionaires respect and love money.

Now here’s the rub for a lot of people. So before moving on, Adam deals with those money beliefs.
So many of us have been brought up with very counterproductive beliefs about money.
We were told that it’s evil. Or that we don’t deserve it and that we can never get it anyway.
And if we do, it will only bring problems.And sooner or later, someone will take it away.
So wouldn’t it be better not even to get started?

With beliefs like that, is it any wonder if money stays at a safe distance?
Adam proceeds with helping you install new beliefs, beliefs that are much more likely to help you draw money into your life. In fact, lots of money.

As he moves from chapter to chapter, he unpacks each of the nine habits he introduced and helps you make them your own.
Not only does he provide numerous examples but also plenty of work sheets for you to fill out.
This is a book that’s not just to be read, but also to be worked. If you don’t, it obviously won’t bring the results you’re hoping for.
If you do, chances are very good that the sky will the limit for how far you can go.

Adam himself is a case in point, and he uses his story as a motivational example throughout the book.
From his start as an academically weak student at the very bottom of the class, he turned himself into a top student.
He also set himself the goal to become a millionaire by age 26 – and achieved it.

Inspiring as he is, he doesn’t rely just on his own story to make his case but provides us with many more inspirational examples throughout the book, including Warren Buffet.

In the chapter about the first of the habits of self-made millionaires, Adam gives us insights into cash flow strategies of the rich.
And most of us are in for a surprise. There’s the myth out there of the extravagant millionaire who drives fancy cars and basically throws money away.
Adam shows that nothing could be further from the truth.

While millionaires will pay for value, they can be outright stingy when they don’t feel the expense is necessary – or worth it.
They also keep close tabs on what they spend, and every dollar that goes out the door has to basically earn its keep.

But the most fascinating – and toughest part – comes with the worksheets that are included.
You, the reader, are challenged to take an assessment as to where exactly you stand with your own net worth.

There is room for income and outflow, and when Adam talks about spending less than you earn and invest the rest in a way that will make it grow with compounded interest,
until it turns into a tool of positive cash flow, you may think of putting the book down. You’ve read that one before. Probably because it’s true.

Don’t give up yet. While Adam stresses the importance of the basics, as so many books do with good reason,
he (unlike many of the other books) doesn’t stop there. In fact, it’s only the first of nine principles.

In fact, the very next chapter is a real eye-opener. The four levels of wealth. When most people think of “rich,” they actually have very murky ideas as to what that means.
However, in order to actually become rich (and we’re not talking lottery here), it is necessary to have a very clear idea of what “rich” really means.

And Adam’s four levels of wealth is priceless here.
He differentiates between four levels, as the chapter says: financial stability, financial security, financial freedom, and financial abundance.
When I read through that chapter, it was the first time I began to get a picture of what I really wanted. And I also began to understand why it had been so elusive.

The coolest thing about the chapter: together with the lists that were created in the previous chapter,
Adam guides you to create a financial plan to achieve your desired level of financial abundance, complete with work sheets.
It seems so much more doable once it has been taken out of the realm of vague wishes to concrete plan and what it will take to achieve it.
Now if that’s not motivational, I don’t know what is.

And he doesn’t just leave you with this dream, only to refer you to his high-priced coaching program like so many other gurus.
No, he delivers the exact how-to right here in this book.

In fact, the very next chapter gets you going on that very path: How to massively increase your income.
Again, with detailed worksheets and examples, he helps you make plans and actually implement them.
From changing your mindset from thinking about your value rather than time put in, to very specific ways in which you can increase your value to your employer,
almost no matter what you do. And he makes it sound so easy.

Next, he provides numerous ways to maximize and increase income in just about any career.
And that’s even before he gets to creating multiple income streams online.

That chapter, on how to create those multiple streams of income online, is worth many times over the price of this book alone.
To say it was excellent and comprehensive would be an understatement.
I really wish I had read this book about a couple of years ago, or even five or ten years ago. It would have changed my life dramatically.

But as they say, better late than never.

So what makes this chapter so special? If you have tried to make money online,
you probably have been bombarded with must-have offers and have spent thousands trying to learn how to do it.
The problem, the vast majority of people have been left utterly confused, intimidated, and especially broke.

This chapter cuts through the smoke and mirrors of the online marketing world and provides a basic but highly effective plan for people to get online,
set up their online business, and yes, make money. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read it. It’s so clearly explained.
I have paid people thousands for this information, and Adam’s book helped me fill in some crucial gaps the others have conveniently left out.

While it provides outstanding information on how to select a market, how to find or create products to sell to them, how to sell them,
and how to help the market find your offers, there are a couple of small points that aren’t entirely up-to-date anymore.

The online world changes very quickly, and especially the way Google ranks websites. So Adam’s recommendation for keyword density would have to be taken with a grain of salt.
However, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry.
The rest is so good that if you take the steps he recommends and also interact on the web, by the time you get to the keyword issue, you’ll know how to find updated information.
And chances are, that this downloadable book will have been updated by the time you’ll get your hands on it.

Next, Adam goes into more depth about other millionaire habits, including keeping track of the money and not spending it frivolously.
Once again, his book reads like your basic financial advisor handbook: stay away from credit cards, spend responsibly, and so on.

However, that seemingly conservative approach doesn’t extend to investing. In the following chapters, Adam shows how to invest safely yet with impressive returns.
And over several chapters, he gives you such an outstanding guide to investing, including how to pick stocks, I was tempted to get started on the spot.

Finally, he wraps it all up by helping you design your very own Millionaire road map.

Once again, numerous worksheets guide you along, and by the time you’re finished, it’ll be just a matter of getting yourself in action.

Overall, an outstanding book. It promises a lot in its title, and while most of the other books with similar titles leave much to be desired,
Adam’s book lives up to the first of the Millionaire Secrets: not only does it live up to even the kind of exaggerated expectations a book with this title might inspire,
but it exceeds them.
Get your copy at:
Secrets of Selfmade Millionaires

Monday, October 12, 2009

10 Tips to Prosperity

Top 10 Tips to Prosperity
by Sandy Forster - Australia's Leading Prosperity Mentor

Experiencing a life of effortless prosperity, total financial freedom and outstanding success is available to everyone - even YOU - but you have to know the secrets!
Here are 10 from the International Bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST - make them a part of your daily experience and you'll begin to see more money, riches, wealth and abundance in your life than ever through possible!

1. Create a Millionaire Mindset

You will create more of whatever you focus on consistently. If you desire to become Wealthy and Abundant
- you must THINK like the Wealthy and dream Abundant thoughts. Once you have conditioned your mind to focus on Riches, Abundance and Prosperity MORE than poverty, lack and limitation - that's when MORE Money will begin to flow into your life!

2. Know what your Money is doing

If you haven’t mastered this one, you could seriously be strangling your flow of Abundance. If you spend recklessly, don't pay bills on time, have no idea what money comes in and what goes out, on a subconscious level you could actually be repelling Wealth.
You may be pushing it out of your experience because deep inside, you realise you wouldn’t know how to handle more money even if you had it. You will be amazed at how you ‘magically’ tap into MORE Prosperity when you become a master at managing
your Money!

3. Constantly see the money already in the Bank

Visualising the Riches you desire in your life will accelerate the money into your experience at lightening speed. See yourself in your minds eye already using the things you bought with your mountains of money, living in the house you built with your wildly wonderful wealth, driving the car you purchased with your cash. Enjoy this one – add those delicious feelings of love, satisfaction and gratitude at the same time as you see your picture of wealth for even faster results.

4. Be consistently grateful for your Abundant Riches

Gratitude is one of the most powerful, yet underestimated prosperity tricks you can use. The more you are grateful for – the more will be given to you for you to be grateful for. This is a challenging concept if you are currently experiencing financial or personal hardship – but it’s well worth it.
At the end of each day, write down at least 5 things you are grateful for – anything at all – the sunshine on the water, the birds singing in the trees, a cuddle from your children, the fact that the day is over and it’s time for bed (when
I first began studying prosperity I had to use that one on a number of occasions!). Do this consistently for the next 60 days and be amazed at the abundance that begins to flow into your life.

5. Do something that makes you feel Rich

Whether you can afford to do this on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, just make sure that you consistently do something that you KNOW rich people do! Have a massage, buy fresh flowers, go to a day spa, hire a Porsche, go to a restaurant and don’t even look at the prices, have someone come in and clean your house, take your best friends out to lunch. Or do something that is FREE – pick a bunch of flowers, take a picnic to the beach at sunset, go for a drive in an expensive estate and imagine which house you now own. Whatever it is for you – just DO it! The more you practice this feeling rich, the faster it becomes a part of you. Just a quick note – do NOT go into debt to practice this one, make sure you spend only what you have in cash.

6. Create a space for your Prosperity

This one is EASY! The Universe abhors a vacuum. Create a space for your prosperity and it will be filled. Get rid of the clutter in your life – the books you don’t read, the paperwork in your drawers, the old clothes that don’t fit, the boxes of junk in the garage. When you clean out the old, you make room for the
new – so start creating that space for abundance today.

7. Laugh and have fun

I’m serious! One of the most important things you can do on a daily basis to move easily and effortlessly into the flow of prosperity is laugh. Having fun moves your energy into a place of attraction – use this time wisely to attract to you the prosperity you desire. When you are playing with your children, watching a funny movie, spending time with your friends, laughing loudly at a joke – just for a few seconds while you’re in that fabulously funny space, imagine yourself as a multi-millionaire, feel the feelings you would feel knowing that you now have more money than you could ever spend, and feel SO GOOD about it.

8. Celebrate your Wealth

Do something grand or do it small, but celebrate today! Have a Prosperity party and invite your friends around complete with tuxedoes, ball gowns and waiters. Everyone (even the not so rich) must pretend for the evening that they have over $50,000,000 net worth and chat about which jet they are taking on their next overseas jaunt, what luxury car they are driving or the spending sprees they are planning. If that’s out of your price (and comfort) range – gather a group of friends and sing ‘Money, Money, Money’ at the top of your lungs as you dance around the house. Maybe you’d prefer to sprinkle 100-dollar bills and rose petals over your bed and roll around joyously with your lover. And make it a habit to shout thank you to the Universe every single time more prosperity flows your way – whether that’s finding 1c on the street, an unexpected $100 in the mail or a $10,000 windfall – celebrate it all!

9. Share your good fortune

Tithing is an age-old secret that Millionaires have known about forever! Plus, they didn’t wait until they were rich to begin tithing, they did it before, during and after they accumulated their wealth. Universal Law states that the more you give of something, the more you receive. If you want more smiles, give more smiles, if you want more love, give more love – if you want more money give more money. Generally
tithing means to give 10% of all you make back to the person, place or institution who feeds you spiritually or empowers you to be your best. Having said that – don’t get too hung up on where the money goes, just GIVE! Whenever you do give money to others, bless it and expect it’s ten fold return back to you – you will be amazed at the abundance that pours into your life.

10. Prosperity is more than just masses of money, outrageous riches and Avalanches of Abundance Prosperity and Abundance are worthless if you don’t have your health, loved ones in your life and something to do each day that makes your heart sing. On the other hand, if you’re continually struggling financially, it certainly takes the shine off all other areas of your life. Why not have it all? It really IS possible. How would you feel if you could spend each day with friends that inspire and uplift you? Only work because you love what you do. Be able to spend your time doing what you choose and when you choose and continue to experience greater and greater levels of abundance, wealth and prosperity year after year.

When you continually and persistently create a Millionaire Mindset, manage your money wisely, visualize yourself as wealthy, are grateful for the richness already in your life, feel abundant, clean up your clutter, laugh, celebrate and share your wealth - you will unleash such a flow of prosperity in your life - you will
finally believe you CAN Create Outrageous Riches, Plentiful Prosperity, Wildly Wonderful Wealth, Fabulous Financial Freedom and Mountains of Money NOW!

© 2004 Sandy Forster


Sandy Forster, author of the International Bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST, offers more exciting free resources, articles, tele-conferences, books and live events in the areas of prosperity, success and personal empowerment at :

Wildly Wealthy

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wealth Creation Secrets

Wealth Creation Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
by Philip E Humbert

I read an ebook by Philip E Humbert,Author,Speaker,Coach on wealth creation today.
It is a great little book outlining strategies for wealth creation.
Here are the principles of wealth creation:
1.Save 10% of everything you make.
2.Invest for the long haul and look for capital gains.
3.Avoid personal debt.
4.Work on your personal and business financial statements every month.
5.Have a plan for your financial growth.
6.Don't give money too much emphasis instead try to have a balanced life.

The above principles seem to be very simple,hard to follow.

Here are some more principles added by the author:
7.Start and Build a business.
8.It is a must to have Mentors,Teachers and Master Minds.
9.Patience,Persistence and hard work will create wealth in the final game.

Download a free copy at: Free Wealth Creation Ebook

I've been getting a wonderful Newsletter from Dr Philip Humbert,
a really great success coach and motivational speaker. Every week
he sends one of the best newsletters around, one of the few I
actually read. It has a warm, personal touch with lots of
motivation, great business tips, quotes and even some nice humor!
This month he's giving away a free report called "Wealth Creation
Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires." It's based on detailed
interviews with people who actually went from having nothing to
creating multi-million dollar fortunes. It's really inspiring--
and practical! The report breaks it down to almost a checklist
for creating wealth, and best of all, it's FREE! I found it very
helpful and thought you would enjoy it, too.
Get your copy at:
Free Wealth Creation Ebook


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Everybody Can Be A Millionaire

Everybody Can Be A Millionaire
by Patric Chan

I know it’s hard to grasp for some - I mean, if you say that to my face 5 years ago, I’ll say that you’re out of your mind. To be frank, it never comes across my mind at all that I’ll be where I am today humbly.

You see, in this new age of time that we’re living in, there are many ‘vehicles’ for you become a millionaire. It has created a new platform where ideas and some willingness to act upon them can turn an ordinary person to a self-made millionaire.

For instance, at only 15 years old, Jasmine Lawrence became a millionaire by creating her own brand of natural beauty products and has a distribution deal with Wal-Mart. Yes, fifteen.

Remember the “Secrets” about Law Of Attraction? If you’ve been reading personal development books all of these while like Think And Grow Rich, Science Of Getting Rich and so on, you’ll know that it wasn’t something very novel but it was an idea of “recreating” the concept and adding more energy to it. By the way, I believe the creator of The Secrets wasn’t a known person before and she literally leverage on other speakers and authors to achieve this phenomenal success. I bet she’s now a millionaire and she gets my highest admiration for her acomplishement today.

There are so many other people who became millionaires from nothing that are not ‘advertised’ on the internet or in the newspapers. Who knows, your neighbors might even be millionaires. Whether the millions are created from starting businesses or trading stocks, the internet have definitely made it much simpler for anyone. For the obvious main reason… the internet allows you to leverage on the world’s market. Whether you’re selling a product or becoming an author, the internet can help you do it faster.

To become a millionaire, you need a good idea.

But that alone won’t help you with anything because everyone has a million-dollar idea in them.

It’s the WILLINGLESS to act upon it.

Let me tell you something - most people are just like dead people walking with absolutely no energy and drive for success. They want the ‘easy way’ and that’s not wrong but the problem is, the ‘easy way’ doesn’t exist until you’ve taken the ‘hard way’. Then everything is ‘easy’.

A few hours ago (before I wrote this), I was driving in the parking lot area and a young man was in the middle of the lane, walking extremely slow. I stopped my car but did not horn him to avoid being rude and arrogant in my car. He stopped walking across the lane and looked up at me in the windscreen, starring for a while. Then he continues walking slowly with absolutely no urgency to move faster for me to pass, with a grudge on his face that he doesn’t wants to ‘lose’. (I’ve checked, he is not injured or anything.)

The weirdest thing is he felt intimidated because I ‘win’ that he has to move for me to pass, so he decided to walk even slower proving that he doesn’t needs to do what I want, to follow my ‘instruction’.

And secondly, he walked so slow as if he has nothing to live for.

Let me repeat – he’s not injured or just finish exercising.

Well, I could be wrong to be judgmental. The point is, I want to relate this to you because that’s HOW MOST PEOPLE ACT and wonders why they don’t become millionaires.

Young or old, there are people who are not willing to learn from others just to prove to themselves that they’re not ’stupid’. Then there are people who find it extremely hard to compliment or admire others because they don’t want to feel inferior.

For me, when I see someone else’s success, I admire that. And if I get the chance to speak with him or her, I’ll be the first to tell him how great he/she is because his/her success is my inspiration to strive for greater success in life.

Understand this success principle – you’re not in competition with anyone, therefore, the inferior emotion is just an illusion created by your brain, basing on your environment and surrounding people. The only competition that you’re competing is YOU, to better perform what you’re capable of achieving today.

Remember the young guy who’s walking slowly? That will determine how he acts and thinks too. You know why people in Singapore are more successful than most other developed countries (based on ratio)? This is the same too in big cities because they are ‘fast people’.

When you move fast, you somehow gain energy and momentum. It’s a fascinating fact that your movement is connected with your mind.

You walk slow, you feel tired.

So if you want to create the habit of taking action, shouldn’t you be slightly faster in your life, in anything that you do?

Of course, use your logical mind - I’m not asking you to eat faster and choke yourself and so on. I know you’re a smart person, assert it yourself of what you should be fast at.

Until today, I haven’t met a millionaire that has no energy - they’re all energetic people in one form or another.

You see, energy equals passion. You got to be passionate when you’re doing what you’re doing to become a millionaire. I mean, if you’re not passionate with your own goal, how are you going to expect anyone else to be passionate of your dream and help you to achieve it?

Now, I want you to do something for yourself – believe that you can be a millionaire because that’s the very first step to realizing any dream into a reality. (If you’re already a millionaire, what’s your next goal? That is where you got to strive for now…).

If you find value in what you read, please leave your comment below. This goes without saying that I’ll appreciate that since I read every single comment personally to know what my readers like and think.

Patric Chan

check out Patric Chan's Success Trace Private Membership!:
Success Trace

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Top 10 Ways to Become a Money Magnet!

Top 10 Ways to Become a Money Magnet!
by Megan Jenifer

"How can I make more money?"--the question that is all too familiar
to working class citizens who really want the answer.
An overlooked solution to this dilemma is to determine how attracted
money is to you. Here are 10 key steps to draw more money into
your life:

1. Promote yourself.

When you think of self-promotion and feel apprehensive, it's
because of the ego, which coerces us to believe we are not worthy
of money, reward, attention or abundance. Giving way to the
negative gut feelings of not wanting to market yourself (your
business, your service, your skills, etc.) ensures that you'll be
disappointed when your income is slim. Nonetheless, by using words
of empowerment around self-promotion, the intensity of your
magnetic energy around money is amplified. Practice doing this by
telling yourself that you deserve abundance. Continuously affirm
that you are worthy of all the money you're receiving. State
boldly that lucrative opportunity always comes your way. When you
see your value, it should be easy to promote and market yourself.
It's visible when you accept that you warrant success and what you
have to offer can help and benefit others. At this point,
prosperity will be drawn to you by virtue of the Law of Attraction.

2. Be likeable.

Being likeable doesn't mean that you have to "kiss up" to anyone.
You simply should create a genuine and positive disposition that
exudes peace and radiates love. For some, this is difficult
because they have gotten accustomed to being a certain way. If you
notice that you have a negative temperament, ask yourself how this
attitude is helping you. If it's only proving that you are right,
you are better off creating vibrations that will suit your desired
result. You do this by smiling more, greeting people, waving
hello, saying thank you, not complaining or blaming. When you act
this way, you increase your likeability. As a result, you will
attract the right people to help you along your journey. This
includes the right boss, the right business partners, the right
loan officers and thus the most satisfying results.

3. Think bigger than what you'd normally consider as enough.

You determine the exact amount of your financial success. It's up
to you to decide how much money you want to create, and how
comfortable you feel around money. There are certain people who
have a lot of money. To these people, what seems like a lot to us
are pennies to them. That's because their comfort zone around
money is very large. Instead of talking down about rich people, or
finding something wrong with them, start playing a similar role and
learn from them. Turn your thoughts around money to one's that
significantly stretch your comfort zone. If you want to
participate in a fun and FREE activity that does this easily and
effortlessly, visit

4. Be grateful for what you already have.

Consistently being in an attitude of gratitude puts you in a
position energetically to begin drawing more situations and
circumstances to be grateful for. Create this attraction now by
being grateful for all of the money that you currently have. Also,
you should start being thankful for all of the unexpected income
you're receiving even though it has not manifested yet. Rejoice in
advance for all the money you desire to have as if you already
possess it. You'll be amazed at how expressing gratitude for small
things opens up doors to much bigger things.

5. Smile more when thinking about money.

How does the thought of money make you feel? Do you feel
disheartened and uneasy? Change your attitude about money so that
you can resonate with having more of it. Feeling terrible around
money makes it literally stay away from you by the Universal Law of
Attraction. This Law is activated by your thoughts and feelings.
As it relates to finances, it's activated by how you think and feel
specifically about money. So, since the Law of Attraction is
always happening like the Law of Gravity, it would be in your best
interest to start being happy, joyous and excited when you think
about money. The Unlimited Universal Bank game helps with this
process. Sign up for FREE at
so money will be more attracted to you.

6. Give without expectation.

Detaching from the outcome of anything is very important in
learning how to manifest what you desire. Your attraction
intensifies positively when you give of yourself abundantly to
others with your love, time, money and resources. Oftentimes,
people wish to have those same things restored to them. However,
when you attach yourself to a return directly from the individual
who you gave to, an expectation is created that can lead to
disappointment. Instead, separate yourself from the outcome.
Therefore, when you do receive, it may come from a place that's
totally unexpected, and it may be much more than what you imagined.
Give freely knowing that you will be rewarded, and release the
attachment to the expectation.

7. Choose work that suits you.

Feeling good is essential to attracting more of it. If you are
constantly dreading going to and doing your work, then it will be
arduous and disappointing no matter how hard you try to get ahead.
If you continue to plow along in this fashion, you'll miss out on a
lot that life has to offer, especially realizing your fullest
potential. When you perform work that you love, it opens doors for
opportunity. You create vibrations of joy and happiness that will
help to attract everything you need to be successful. When you
work from a place of bliss, you can trust that you're creating
value for others, resulting in more value for yourself.

8. Change your beliefs around money.

How many of us have been conditioned to believe that money is the
root of all evil, money is bad, or have used the phrase "filthy
rich"? These statements and beliefs continue to perpetuate a myth
around money, which in turn repels it. Since your beliefs create
your reality, become more attractive to money by believing the
opposite of what you have been conditioned to think. Instead of
saying "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer", say something
like, "I admire and model rich people. I am getting richer and
richer each day!" Developing beliefs along this line will help to
draw more money into your life.

9. Change your attitude around money.

Just as you have to change your normal disposition about your job
or other people, the same is true for money. Your attitude around
it affects how much you will have and how much you will keep.
Develop a loving viewpoint toward money that is respectful and
happy. Position yourself as someone that money will want to be
around. Treat it as a tool that creates more wealth and prosperity
for you. Start learning other financial management habits that
help money work for you instead of against you.

10. Make it your intention to create more money.

The power of intention is beyond measure. Any wealthy person will
tell you that they had to create them to be successful. More
familiar terms used to describe this aim may be a "goal statement"
or an objective. The modern world of science proves that an
intention around money activates an area in your brain that becomes
a "heat-seeking" device for it. By our focused thought, the Laws
of the Universe are activated and go to work to start manifesting
the results. State clearly what you want and by when. Instead of
saying I want more money, say something like, "I'm creating a
passive income stream of $10,000 per month by June--this or
something better!" The more specific and detailed your intention,
the keener the attenuation of the signal to the Universe.

© Copyright Megan Jenifer

Megan Jenifer is a teacher and motivational speaker on the Law of
Attraction. Many of her writing topics include self-motivation,
self-actualization, creative visualization, and attitude, the power
of thought, intention and words. Megan is the author of the book
How Ordinary People Attract Extraordinary Wealth!
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Thoughts for today!

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