Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shocking truth why most personal development programs never work

I have seen some videos from Patric Chan of

He is very starightforward,cut to the chase,teaching the fundamental truths about success.
A shocking truth why most personal development programs never work:

Truth - "Knowing is different from achieving"

Factors for success:
1.Understand the concept of success.
2.Have a strategy of plan.

What is missing: "Must have a compelling reason from within".

Personal Development: Why Focus Alone Is Not Enough For Success

The Secret for success: "Total Immersion"
Not only learning theoritically,doing action practically.
The more you practice success,the easier you will become successful.
Subscribe and get the free ebooks at Patric chan's blog:

Patric Chan has officially opens the Success Trace Private
Membership today!,check out:
Success Trace Private

Have you seen the Blue Sky Video?


Have you ever wondered why some people release a
product and it sells like hot cakes and other
products don't sell at all?

Yaro just released a short video that reveals a
very simple technique to find out what people
want, so your next product will be a best seller.

It's called the Blue-Sky video and you can watch
it here -

Blue Sky Video by Yaro Starak

I can't believe how easy this technique is, yet
how incredible the insights you can get from doing

Yaro uses this simple idea each time he launches
one of his membership sites. It's useful because
you can find out what people are actually willing
to pay money for, rather than waste all that time
creating a product and then finding out no one
wants it.

Simple ideas are often the best, and this is
definitely the case here. Go watch now -

Blue Sky Video by Yaro Starak

To your success,


PS. If you haven't yet grabbed your copy of the
Membership Site Masterplan, it's still available.

Just go to this page and register and Yaro will
send you a copy of what has to be one of the best
reports of this year -

Membership site Master Plan

Monday, April 27, 2009

Reminder on SGR Teleseminar

Just a quick reminder about the Science
of Getting Rich teleseminar Bob Proctor is
having tomorrow.

SGR Teleseminar

If you haven't registered, you might still
have time to sign up :-)

SGR Teleseminar



PS: Oh, and in case you haven't heard,
Alex Mandossian is in the teleseminar

Friday, April 24, 2009

'How to Write a Book on Anything in 14 Days or Less

I stumbled across something incredible recently...

And when I told all my prospects and customers about it, they
wanted it and literally hundreds kept asking me about it weeks

So, and as a valued subscriber I wanted to let you know about
it if you don't already.

As you may know, writing a book is one of the things that
just about everyone wants to do. But they just don't have the
time, or the skill or the direction that will make it possible
for them.

They know they can use it as a profit center, or as an outlet
for their creativity, or to write their life story. Heck, maybe
they just see themselves as the next Stephen King, or
Danielle Steel.

What does this have to do with you?

If you have ever, even for a brief moment, thought about
writing your own book and getting your share of the very
lucrative rewards for being published...

Here's *your* chance to become a 'best selling' author!

A man I respect a great deal has just released the most
incredible, step-by-step tool I have ever seen on the subject
of writing your own book... and getting it done and published
while you're still *young enough* to enjoy it!

Steve Manning, a master writer and journalist, has authored
what I believe will totally revolutionize the publishing world.

The name of his manual?

'How to Write a Book on Anything in 14 Days or Less...

Frankly I was shocked when I saw it!

This master writer holds your hand through the entire writing
and publishing process!

He has sold literally hundreds of thousands of books and he's
arguably the most prolific magazine writer on the continent as
well. And when it comes to writing a book,he lays everything out
for you.

He leaves nothing to chance... no stone unturned as he takes you
step-by-step through the process of:

-Get an agent in just 36 hours

-Create a book proposal no publisher can resist

-Develop "technologies" no one else on the planet has that make
your book better than anything on the market

-Unleash the power of your own creativity so you write better
than you ever thought possible

-The fastest method of researching on the planet--it has nothing
to do with the Internet. One journalist in southern Ontario
stated this single strategy was so effective, it was scary!

-S.N.A.P. editing--this single strategy caused a former president
of a national editor's association to declare that we had to get
this information out to anyone and everyone who was even thinking
of writing a book!

-The simple technique that will create any mood imaginable in
just seconds. Professional writers struggle for years to learn
how to do this. You'll be able to do this in just seconds.

-How to ensure that your book is a best-seller

-How to make sure the reader is involved in every page

-Step by step instructions for copyright registration. Even the
forms are included!

-How to turn your book into a client magnet so it becomes the
source of an unending stream of prospective customers.

-How to know exactly when you'll be finished writing your book no
matter how much, or how little you want to write each day.

-How to blue-print your book in just hours so you instantly know
exactly what will be in your book and where it will be. You will
never write even one sentence that isn't used in your book.

-And there's still so much more I can't even begin to write about
it here!

Steve is the kind of person who raises his prices frequently
because of demand.... but I practically begged him to keep the
price down long enough to let me send you this email so you can
check it out.

If you have the least bit of interest in writing your own,
highly profitable book and all the prestige and
accomplishment that goes with being a 'best selling'
author... you owe it to yourself to get more FREE information.


I don't want you to miss out on this spectacular opportunity
to not only create your own book as quickly as 14 days from
now... but to take advantage of the tremendous price savings
as well.



PS -- I know you've been thinking about writing a book some

Well, where will you be in 14 days?

If you get this new information kit, 14 days from today you can
brag to your friends that you wrote one of your own---and show
them the money you made, too! For heaven's sake, AT LEAST go
look at the FREE details! Just click here:

P.P.S. - Remember, this package has unbelieveable information
and bonuses that will simply knock your socks off.... don't
delay in taking a closer look!

Click here now!

Secret of the Secret

The Additional Secret of The Movie ‘The Secret’

The past few years, with an absolute peak in 2006 as the movie ‘The Secret’ was exposed to hundreds of thousands, an ever growing number of people is slowly waking up to the knowledge that there may just be more to life than the often robot-like existence of daily routines they lead.

With movies like ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’, and books like ‘The Attractor Factor’ by Joe Vitale and the resurfacing of ‘The Law of Success’ by Napoleon Hill, people increasingly realize that they can have much more success in life, if only they knew ‘the secret’ that all these sources talk about.

Still, although hundreds of thousands of people have seen the movie ‘The Secret’, why are so few people living their ultimate lifestyle? Why aren’t all those people living the success they long for so bad? The success that all these movies promise them? Is there an additional secret to movies like ‘The Secret’?

The obvious answer is ‘yes’. If there weren’t, every person having seen the movie ‘The Secret’ would be living the lifestyle of their dreams, would be ‘attracting’ everything they long for, and would be ‘manifesting’ everything they desire into their lives ‘without any conscious effort’.

At least, isn’t that what you would think after watching movies like ‘The Secret’?

Let me tell you what the problem is, what is also the cause of so many people still not achieving their desires and dreams, and what is also the additional ‘secret’ or ‘edge’ to the movie ‘The Secret’ and others. The problem rests in a psychological phenomenon called ‘selective retention’.

In simple terms, ‘selective retention’ means that you only remember the things you want to hear. In other words, you filter out the things you’d rather not hear. Let’s relate this to the contents of movies like ‘The Secret’ and other films and books with regard to this subject.

What we can agree upon is that all these movies like ‘The Secret’ and books like ‘The Attractor Factor’ are about a Universal Law called ‘The Law of Attraction’. According to the Law of Attraction, you can supposedly attract and manifest anything you want or desire into your life, based on what you focus your thoughts.

That’s the secret, according to the movie ‘The Secret’.

What I can tell you upfront is that the Law of Attraction is real, but only to an extent. There are very important nuances to its application, which movies like ‘The Secret’ either don’t tell you about, or which you filter out through the psychological process of ‘selective retention’.

The actual nuances and details of the application of the Law of Attraction are a subject to be discussed at another time and another place. For now, it’s important to realize and acknowledge the one thing that most people are missing from movies like ‘The Secret’ and the whole range of other products dealing with the Law of Attraction.

You see, movies and books dealing with the Law of Attraction often overemphasize the word ‘effortless’. You are led to believe that you can attract things and manifest things into your life without any conscious effort from your side.

Quite likely, ‘effortless’ is exactly what you want to hear. Who wouldn't like to do nothing while bringing about the most profound changes? People are hardly ever satisfied with their circumstances, so they desire change.

However, although they desire change, at the same time they resist change. Sounds like a paradox, but it’s true. Because as soon as any effort is required to actually make the change they desire come about, or to overcome the resistance experienced to make that change come about, people ‘cop out’. Do you recognize that?

Maybe you do, or maybe you don’t. But that’s exactly why so many people don’t achieve any success, although they’ve seen the movie ‘The Secret’ and supposedly know about ‘the secret’.

Through their ‘selective retention’, the only thing that they remember and engrain is that ‘no effort is required’ and they filter out the part that says they should actually take inspired action. As a consequence, many people think that if they just think positively and try to focus on positive emotions most of the time, everything they desire will magically manifest into their lives while they’re sitting on the couch watching movies like ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’.

They think suddenly some distanced relative they never heard of before in their lives, will leave them a legacy of millions of dollars while they’re eating potato chips and ice cream, as they keep on watching the movie ‘The Secret’.

Or they visualize themselves as a Scrooge McDuck-equivalent, swimming around in a pool of money. Perhaps they include the Money Bin too. And they expect a big bag of money to fall out the sky.

As a side-effect, they get bigger and unhealthier, and more and more miserable because nothing happens to make their lives better. Apparently, even a movement has come about that believes that you can apply the Law of Attraction to create a body they’ve always dreamed about. They think they’ll look lean and muscular without effort through ‘attracting’ their dream bodies by visualizing how they want to look. I kid you not.

Let’s reintroduce some common sense. Butt sitting never got anyone anywhere. The Law of Attraction that the movie ‘The Secret’ and other sources are about is real, but to reap its benefits and seize its fruits, you need to know how to apply it in your life, and you need to know the nuances to its application.

You can’t just start thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive emotions and wait for all your desires to magically pop up while doing nothing. That’s the missing link to achieving your success from the knowledge of the movie ‘The Secret’ and other films and books. The true secret is ‘inspired action’.

Doing nothing doesn’t help you. You need to act. You can get clear on your intention and then go do something else to get your mind off it. It’s during those moments of ‘silence’, the moments that you’re not obsessed with what you want, that you suddenly get ideas, inspirations, hunches and so on. You must act on those inspirations.

The ‘act of acting’ alone will make you turn on the switch of the Law of Attraction, so to speak. Then, through an interplay of other Universal Laws that the movie ‘The Secret’ and a whole range of books on the Law of Attraction forget to mention, the Universe will start rearranging itself according to your thoughts, emotions and actions. You’ll get new ideas, meet new people, stumble upon new knowledge, and so on, all of which you can use in your actions that lead you to your envisioned goal step by step, through a chain of events.

And that’s how the changes you desire come about.

Your job is to recognize what exactly to act upon. For that, you need to know exactly how the Law of Attraction works in reality, in conjunction with other Universal Laws, and how things actually manifest into your life so you actually recognize your opportunities. There’s not a great number of other Universal Laws, only a few main Universal Laws that automatically cover all minor and subsidiary Universal Laws.

By understanding the nuances of the application of the Law of Attraction in conjunction with some few other universal principles (or Laws) as boundary conditions, you can make all your dreams come true. You just need to overcome your ‘selective retention’ and acquire the knowledge of just the few additional nuances you must understand to really achieve the things that the movie ‘The Secret’ and others talk about.

True enough, it does require some effort, but by applying these Laws correctly you make the Universe work with you, instead of against you. And as you ‘get the hang’ of this application, the conscious effort required from you will keep on decreasing.

But you’ll always need to act. Nothing is going to happen if you don't act. That’s the additional secret to the movie ‘The Secret’. You just need to learn how to bring those inspirations about, how to recognize them, and then what to act upon.

And there are simple ways to do that.

Welcome to the Revolution.

Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged ‘Great Revolution’, which provides the members with truthful instructions regarding the universal principles of life.

The Revolution is receiving increasingly widespread attention for its straightforward explanations and instructions with regard to complex issues, which are made understandable for people from all walks of life. In essence, the true secrets of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and the other ‘Universal Laws’ are explained in much clearer and practical ways than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.

More information on the Great Revolution, on joining and on the ‘universal principles of life’ (the true ‘Universal Laws’) can be found at :

True Universal Laws

Monday, April 20, 2009

Start Manifesting

Start Manifesting
by Kannan Viswagandhi

Do you remember that first spark of hope you felt when you watched The Secret? I clearly remember the desire that filled my heart, knowing that – Yes, I can make my dreams come true – FINALLY!

But how many of you soon saw that hope dwindle into frustration? How many of you (and be honest now) started muttering things like:

- “It seems to work for other people, but I just can’t get it right.”

- “I’m frustrated that sometimes I can get it to work, but sometimes I can’t. What’s the trick?”

- “Why am I having so much trouble?”

- “I think the universe is against me.”

- “I’m trying very, VERY hard but still nothing is happening!”

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. About 97% of people also couldn’t make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn’t learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?

But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When you’re frustrated, it’s hard to stay positive. And it’s especially harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you is screams negativity like the unstable economy or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.

And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That’s right – you start attracting negative things in to your life.

So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?

Well, here’s three quick tips so you will never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe, because you know how to start manifesting like a pro.

1. Allow Yourself To Receive

Just like a lost child who approaches a police officer and asks, “Excuse me Sir, can you tell me how to go to the post office? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?” Well, if the child goes on and on asking, the police officer can’t even give an answer, right?

Well, it’s the same thing with your mind. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit, transmit, transmit, the universe — which is trying to respond — can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive!

So, have the confidence in yourself and stop exhausting yourself by running around person to person begging for riches, and then wondering why nobody is dropping a penny in your cup (Hint: It’s because you’re running away too fast for them before they can even reach for their wallets).

Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins (or whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.

2. Be Patient With Yourself

Receiving takes time.

Sadly, many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they’ve decided that if it’s not working by now, it’s never going to work at all. Worse still are those who throw in more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster.

This is like expecting 9 mothers to conceive and deliver a baby in 1 month. You also can’t bake cookies in half the time by doubling the temperature. You’ll incinerate those cookies to ashes!

In simple terms: Everything in this world has a natural development time, and this fact will not change no matter what resources you throw at it.

So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the universe, are also governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.

If you remember this, you will less likely work yourself up into frustration, or worse, push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.

3. Support and Educate Yourself

Like the child who is learning how to walk, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role models to look up to.

Many people give up because they think that “The Secret” is the “be all and end all” solution. Well, it’s NOT. “The Secret” is just a small portion. It was never intended, and has never been, the whole answer.

Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours a day (but you’re still stuffing yourself with fried foods and cheesecakes).

So seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Also, make an effort to be amongst people or communities where you can support each other, learn from each other and also share new knowledge that you have found.

While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

Check out the site here – go to:


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why do we forget that getting rich is actually so easy?


Did you check out Brian Wong's Special
Wealth Report that I sent you a few days
ago? If you did, then I know you'd be
feeling good about YOUR economy right

If you've also been following Brian's
video, you'd also have gotten a whiff
about the Science of Getting Rich.

SGR Teleseminar

Yup. A science. A formula. Like math.

And just like solving a math problem, it's
hard when you don't understand what's
going on. But it's easy when someone
shows you the proven formula.

If you want to know the proven formula of
getting rich, it really is as easy as this:

SGR Teleseminar

Kannan Viswagandhi

PS: I heard that spaces for this live
teleseminar event with Bob Proctor is
limited due to server capacity. So act
quick and get yourself in the inner

SGR Teleseminar

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Special Wealth Report

Finally... somebody with guts!

I'm sick and tired of hearing bad news
about the economy.

I'm sick and tired about hearing people
give their well-intended advice on
"surviving the recession" or "recession-
proofing" your life... as if this was some
great disaster we *have* to suffer.

So boy was I glad to hear something

Wealth Report

*Finally*--somebody with guts!

Wealth Report

Kannan Viswagandhi

PS: No trills and frills. It's just...
Cold. Hard. Truth.

Wealth Report

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No Matter What - March on!

Breakthrough specialist Lisa Nicholas is releasing a book today titled "No Matter What".
She was featured in the movie 'The Secret',endorsed by Jack Canfield.

No matter what happens,if you focus on your your strengths and what you have instead of what you don't have,you will get a breakthrough.

Watch Lisa Nicholas on her journey:

Get your copy here at Amazon today:

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Millionaire Mindset

I read a great book "The Millionaire Mindset - How ordinary people create extra ordinary income" by Gerry Robert.

This is my second read and it is so inspiring and valuable.
It insists more on the mindset than others as our mindset decides our wealth and prosperity.
These are my notes about this book:

There are eight magics to become a millionaire:

1.Thinking magic:
Universal laws:
1.The law of sowing and reaping
2.The law of polarity
3.The law of germination
4.The law of vibration

Your conscious mind is the captain and your subconscius mind is the crew.
The crew obeys without question.It can't differentiate.
Send prosperous,wealthy commands.
Get rid of the old concepts placed in your mind by authority figures.
You have the power to choose and choose only healthy thoughts.
Have and repeat money affirmations.
write your heart's desire,Feel about them,visualize them,have affirmations,repeat them daily.
There is something to learn in every challenge.
Your response to deal with the storms of life determine the results you achieve.
Every negative has a positive side,look for it.
Remember,every challenge goes away.

Money making habits:
1.Have prosperous beliefs about money.
2.Condition yourself to wealth.
3.Magnetize yourself to your heart's desire.
4.Magnetize yourself to unrelenting persistence.
5.Magnetize yourself for money making habits.
6.Magnetize yourself to massive action.
7.Magnetize yourself to wealth building associates.
8.Magnetize yourself to a program of progress.

2.Habit magic
Master your habits.
Learn new life changing habits.
Develop self discipline.
Use the 6 steps to self-discipline:
1.Define purpose.
2.Find role models.
3.See success
4.Delay Gratification.
5.Use Advanced decision making.
6.Get Support.

3.Goals magic
Goals keep you focused.
Goals give you purpose.
Create your heart's dream list.
List the goal category.
Put your goal in writing and make it specific.
Give it a timeline.
Identify the blockers.
Identify the skills you need to achieve the goals.
Identify the resources you need.
List the benefits of the goal.
Include a workable plan.
Build in accountability factors.
Move into action.

4.Money Magic
Managing money means mastering money.
Financial planning is crucial.
Create a file system.
Fill in and have copies of your master data worksheet.
Make a commitment to save atleast 10% of what you earn.
Live within your means.
Make more money or spend less.
Have a monthly Income and Expense worksheet.
Have financial intelligence.
Avoid the common money mistakes and Rip-offs.
Determine the credit card interest rates and pay off the credit card balances ASAP.
Replace high interest with low interest,no annual fee credit cards.
Know the problems with debt and have the right attitude about debt.

5.M.S.I magic
Have Multiple sources of Income(MSI).
Write down any hobbies, activities, and skills that interest you.
In many cases you can turn those things into an MSI.
Your M.S.I should be:
1.Low Risk.
2.Have low time involvement.
3.Require low management.
4.Demand only low personal energy.
5.Require low capitalization.
6.Require higher level thinking.
7.Produce high return.
8.Deliver high service.
9.Reward yourself with higher personal satisfaction.
10.Contain high growth education factors.
11.Easy duplicatable.
12.Be unique.
13.High speed.

6.Master mind magic
Seek the help of master mind,a group of like minded people who can help you.
Napoleon Hill popularized master mind concept.
Strategies for selecting yur master mind group:
1.Choose the people carefully.
2.Create a list of the characteristics of the ideal master mind partner.
3.Invite them with a 'Give' mentality.
4.Demand a strong commitment.
6.Organize your master mind meetings.
7.Everyone in the group offer leadership.
8.Everything in the meeting should be action and goal oriented.
Have a purpose,generate ideas,provide contacts,prioritize the ideas,take action.
Think Big and don't reject any ideas.

7.Time magic
Be sure to remember to include time for the following:
children,family,spouse,relaxation,health,fun,faith in your life.
Ask questions and know how to prioritize,delegate your work.
Identify the pressures of work,look for solutions.
Identify your time wasters and avoid them.
Don't postpone,visualize the outcomes and keep going.
Have a no-interruption schedule.
There are 60 tips to save time,very valuable.

8.Sales magic
All the rich people know how to sell.
Learn how to sell.
Create trust with your customers.
Use an attraction model.
Focus on the relationship.
Develop integrity,Become Trustworthy.
Be Honest and have enthusiasm.
Have Tenacity and be driven.
Stay in touch and resell.
Follow the seminar model outlined in the book to get sales.

Successibility Thinking:

Success + Possibility = Successibility
Follow the 30 day success declarations given in the book,they are wonderful and inspirational.

'Today is a Great Day' is printed in every page which inspires you in your reading.
There are free downloadable forms and sheets which can help you a lot.

Never hang your dreams in your closet.

Questions to Refelect:
What beliefs are holding you back?
What are your views about money?

It is a Wonderful book on wealth and prosperity,Mindset.It is highly recommended.

Get your free ebook here at Gerry Robert's website:
Gerry Robert

Get your printed copy of the book at amazon:

Would you turn down money?

I want to invite you to something really

SGR Program

A couple of years ago, back in 2007, I
made a decent amount of money from this
just by pushing copy, paste and send. It's
called the Science of Getting Rich
(sounds like something the market would
like to have right now, doesn't it?).

So boy, was I glad to see Bob Proctor and
his team relaunch it!

SGR Program

I'm signing up again because I know it will
be another success. (I mean, we ARE talking
about a powerful product from Bob Proctor,
Jack Canfield and Rev. Michael Beckwith)

And I want to personally invite you to jump
on the bandwagon.

They have a great affiliate plan. And it's
so, so easy.

SGR Program

The pre-launch date is April 14th, so hurry
to get your head start.

Kannan Viswagandhi

PS: Oh, and did I mention it's a 50%
commission 2-tier program? Plus, there'll
be an additional ONGOING 50%
commission on a new continuity program
they've got. It's a beauty!

SGR Program

Friday, April 10, 2009

3 Ways to earn money

This is the first website review i am writing.I found a cool website to promote your products under $10 per month!Great opportunity!
It is called
I was referred by one of my mentors.
You can earn money in 3 ways.
1.You can earn money by promoting your own products.
You can create a compaign for each of your product using very easy steps.Every step is having video tutorials.
2.If you don't have your product,you can resell the products from their product library.
3.You can earn money as an affiliate promoting ad2action program.
You can have a landing page which is an opt-in page where you can get your leads.
You can add videos,pictures to your landing page.
You can give it away a free ebook to get more leads.
It will send you an email about the leads and even you can receive sms in your cell phone.
You have a backoffice where you can check the leads and your commisions.
There are CRM and analytics links where you can know about the conversion rate of your compaigns.
You can promote your landing pages to all the social bookmarking sites like myspace,facebook with a click of a button.
It is a great website to promote your products without worrying about HTML,ecommerce,SEO,etc.
Check out here:

Check out this promotional video:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

5 Pillars of Success

5 Pillars of success by Delatorro McNeal

1.Discover and uncover your purpose in your life.
2.Realise your tremendous potential.
3.Realise life will handover pain and learn how to handle pain.
4.Pursue your passion.
5.Unleash the power within you.

Watch the trailer of YES Movie:

Checkout more interviews:
The YES Movie

How I saved money in this challenging time

How i saved money in this challenging time

We all know that this is a challenging time.
We have to cut down expenses,see ways to save money.
Here are some of the ways i saved money:

1.I have a mortgage loan with a fixed interest rate of 14%(i know it is a lot,it is for my house loan in india).I negotiated with them,switched to floating interest rate of 11% and reduction of 4 years in number of years in repayment which saved me a lot of money.(i paid a penalty of .5% for this switch which is negligible when compared to the savings).
2.I stopped paper statements for all my credit cards.but i used to check the online transactions regularly.Recently,i found overlimit fees.I spoke t them,asked for a waiver.They waived me a total of $117.(3 overlimit fees).
3.I once signed up for online bill payment through one of my banks,but i never used it.They charged me $2.50 every month.I spoke to them,waived of two payments which saved me $5.
4.For one of my credit cards,i am paying like 30% for almost a year.I called them,explained them about my hardships.I am approved for an interest rate of 8% for one year,which is of great help.
5.I didn't check my cell phone minutes previous month,ended up paying $40 for the extra minutes.This month,when i am short of minutes,i switched to a higher plan for just $10,got 300 minutes extra.When my usage becomes less,i will switch back to my Original plan.

So,please check your finances,take action.Hope these tips help you in some way.

Thoughts for today!

Products I Recommend!