Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wealth Building Associates

I am reading MillionaireMindset by Gerry Robert.
He is talking about the importance of having wealth building assciates to become wealthy.
Here is my list of wealth building associates:

1.Jim Rohn
2.Brian Tracy
3.Denis Waitley
4.Wayne Dyer
5.Joe Vitale
6.Mark Victor Hansen
7.Jack Canfield
8.Gerry Robert
9.Zig Zaglar
10.Robert Kiyosaki
11.Randy Gage
12.Deepak Chopra
13.Robin Sharma
14.Anthony Robbins
15.Les Brown
16.John Demartini
17.T. Harv Ecker
18.Bob Proctor
19.John Harricharan
20.Bob Dayle

I strongly believe that GOD will help me in meeting and learning from all these wonderful human beings who are in a mission to uplift the humanity.

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