Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to become Abundant?

Today i went to the seminar 'The Power of YES' by Millionaire Maker Loral Langemeier in NJ.

From Willowbrook park&Ride,i took taxi to the Crowns Plaza Hotel.

To my surprise,it was a nice Lincoln car.I enjoyed the luxury,eventhough it was a short trip.

I tipped the driver good.

When i arrived there,it was little earlier than the sceduled time(it is one of my bad habit,in a good sense!)

I went to the Chives restaurant inside the hotel for breakfast.

Instead of buffet,i ordered my breakfast(French Toast,Coffee,Fruitcup).It was delicious.

I tipped the bearer heavily as she served me good.

I enjoyed the ambience and the luxury around.I felt very good and deserving for this luxury.

I felt very comfortable in paying $20 for my breakfast.

I was in a good aundant vibration.I felt like a multi-millionaire.

I attended the seminar,it was good.Loral was awesome.

Loral: 'Say YES and figure out how'.

She has a 3 day cash machine seminar where she will teach you to make money on the spot using your talents.You will learn how to:

4.Customer support & followup

Check out here: 3 Day Cash Machine By Loral

Ralph spoke about his SLS system for bringing free traffic.

Ralph: 'Fire yourself from the tasks you shouldn't be doing'(low value activities).

On returning,i tipped the driver of the hotel shuttle.I felt good.

Just now,i am watching Natalie Ledwell's Inspiration Show and she is talking about the Abundant Vibrations(see video below).

What i did unknowingly is exactly the same things Natalie is suggesting.

This Universe is an abundant universe and it is always expanding.

All the things in this universe are vibrating.

It will match up your vibrations and bring you more of the same stuff.

Randy Gage is talking about his $40 breakfast while he was in costa Rica in his Prosperity TV(search in youtube)

Watch the inspiration show below and hope this post helps you.

The Inspiration Show Episode # 59 How to Create an Abundant Vibration

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