Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to become Abundant?

Today i went to the seminar 'The Power of YES' by Millionaire Maker Loral Langemeier in NJ.

From Willowbrook park&Ride,i took taxi to the Crowns Plaza Hotel.

To my surprise,it was a nice Lincoln car.I enjoyed the luxury,eventhough it was a short trip.

I tipped the driver good.

When i arrived there,it was little earlier than the sceduled time(it is one of my bad habit,in a good sense!)

I went to the Chives restaurant inside the hotel for breakfast.

Instead of buffet,i ordered my breakfast(French Toast,Coffee,Fruitcup).It was delicious.

I tipped the bearer heavily as she served me good.

I enjoyed the ambience and the luxury around.I felt very good and deserving for this luxury.

I felt very comfortable in paying $20 for my breakfast.

I was in a good aundant vibration.I felt like a multi-millionaire.

I attended the seminar,it was good.Loral was awesome.

Loral: 'Say YES and figure out how'.

She has a 3 day cash machine seminar where she will teach you to make money on the spot using your talents.You will learn how to:

4.Customer support & followup

Check out here: 3 Day Cash Machine By Loral

Ralph spoke about his SLS system for bringing free traffic.

Ralph: 'Fire yourself from the tasks you shouldn't be doing'(low value activities).

On returning,i tipped the driver of the hotel shuttle.I felt good.

Just now,i am watching Natalie Ledwell's Inspiration Show and she is talking about the Abundant Vibrations(see video below).

What i did unknowingly is exactly the same things Natalie is suggesting.

This Universe is an abundant universe and it is always expanding.

All the things in this universe are vibrating.

It will match up your vibrations and bring you more of the same stuff.

Randy Gage is talking about his $40 breakfast while he was in costa Rica in his Prosperity TV(search in youtube)

Watch the inspiration show below and hope this post helps you.

The Inspiration Show Episode # 59 How to Create an Abundant Vibration

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

10 Life Lessons by John Di Lemme

I listened to the '10 life lessons' by John Di Lemme.
John is a great guy.
He was a stutterer when he was young.
He went through tough times due to this.
Now,he overcame his problem and became a speaker,Author,Coach.
Here are the 10 life lessons:

1.Most important day in your life is your birthday
3.Habit of Giving
4.It is all about the WHY
5.Finding your WHY
6.Unleash your WHY in life
7.Growing WHY
8.Infect others with SUCCESS
9.More Magic behind your WHY
10.A view from the mountain top

Hope this helps you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

See from children's eyes

My son Vikas is 6 yrs old,studying 1st grade.

On yesterday,my wife was explaining the financial reasons why i have to be away from the family and stay in the U.S.

She told about the different currencies and showed him the rupee notes and the coins.

Vikas told her immediately 'Mom,why are you worrying about the paper and iron(referring to the coins)'.

How he made it so simple!What a shift in perspective?What a fresh approach to our financial difficulties?

We parents learnt a lot.We can learn from kids.Reflect on this.

What questions are you asking yourself?

I went to the pharmacy on yesterday to get my prescribed medicines.

There was a young man,very obese,waiting for his medications from the phamacist.Another guy was getting lot of medicines.

This young man asked him that were these for you and the guy replied 'This is for my old guy,my father'.

This yong man asked him 'So if i grow old,do i have to get these medicines?'.
The other guy replied 'I don't want to think of it now.'

See the pattern of the young man,he is already obese and taking medications,means that he is not fit.I suspect,he may have to consume those medications when he grow old.

We have to be very careful about the thoughts and words,influences we choose as we may become the very things we speak about.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari

Recently i read the book 'The Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari' written by Robin Sharma.

Incredible book,just like a novel for reading,with golden nuggets all over.

Jonathan Landry is in trouble with his work,relationship,spirituality.His relative Julian Mantle,is the monk who sold his Ferrari helps him to find out life's secrets.Jonathan has to travel across the globe from Argentina to Istanbul, Shanghai to Delhi,to collect Talismans along with Life's secret letters.

Here are the Golden Secrets,conveyed through the letters:

1.Be Authentic.
2.Embrace your fears.
3.Be Kind.
4.Try one step at a time and make daily progress.
4.Do your best work at whatever you do.
5.Choose your influences well as it has an impact on your progress.
6.Value Life's simplest pleasures,because they are Life's greatest joys.
7.There is a Purpose of life and that is to Love.
8.What is your legacy?.

The descriptions of the places Jonathan visits are very vivid.It makes us to experience the places ourselves.
Secret letters are treasures to keep and follow for generations.
Incredible book,highly recommended!
Check out his website: Robin Sharma's website

Buy the book at Amazon:

Bhogi Pongal

Pongal is the harvest festival celebrated in Tamilnadu,southern part of India,every year.It is celebrated for 4 days,starting with the Bhogi Pongal,in the month of January.

On this day,Entire home is cleaned up,white washed.All the dirt and wastes are burnt into bonfire.
It is the symbol of getting rid of the unwanted stuff from your life and welcome the new stuff.

Reflect on the following questions:

1.What are the old Habits you want to get rid of?

2.What are old,unwanted beliefs you want to burn?

3.Who are the old friends and associations who are not supporting your vision,you want to be away with?

4.What are the fears you want to get rid of?

5.What are the clutters you want to cleanup in your home and work environment?


Life Coach and Motivation Guru Tony Robbins talks about how to follow through and be with your goals till you achieve them.Enjoy!





Thoughts for today!

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