Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Third Mother

My Third Mother

My first mother is senbagavalli,my biological mother.
My second one is Kasturi,my friend's mother.She feed me and gave accomodation while studying my engineering.Myself and my friend Arul Prakash used to study through the late nights for the exams.She cared me so much.I am and i will be thankful to her always for her caring.

My third mother was Gnanambal,my mother-in-law,who passed away due to diabetes this year(2010) in july.
She was just 50 years old.
This is the third big loss after losing my father and father-in-law in 2008,both of them,due to heart attack.

My relationship as a son-in-law to her is only for a short 7 years.It started when i got married in 2003.
She treated me always like her elder son.She used to feed me special always.Even when she was not well,she used to go to the market,got fresh vegetables and appetizers.

She worked hard so much for our home,right from the land,construction,getting the approval,water,etc.
She wanted all of her kids to be in the same home whenever they come to salem and we went for a 4 bed room home even though it is beyond our initial plan.

She was an inspiration to all the women.She raised all her 4 kids,gave them top class education,when her husband failed in the travels business.

She was having a grander vision always in whatever she did,weather it was a family function(she did my wife's baby shower so grand) or our home.She helped her relatives whenever there were in trouble.She raised many of her relative's kids at her home.She paid for the poor kids' schooling till she passed away.

She encouraged us whenever we were down financially and she accomodated us when we had to move to her home from my father's home due to some misunderstanding.we were feeling so comfortable.

She was very fond of my son Vikas.She loved him so much,but couldn't see him at her last moment.She used to call him 'vikkada,thakkada' when she was in good mood.

She had complications due to diabetes.Due to her negligence on food control and not exercising,she started getting problems with her vision and kidney.

I am going to construct a speciality hosital for diabetes care in salem and spread the awareness about diabetes.I don't know how i am going to do it right now,but i know she is always there for us,to guide us and help us.

Amma,we miss you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

7 Steps to have a best year ever

7 steps to have a Best Year ever by John Assaraf:




Thursday, September 9, 2010

The First Leap

The First Leap

Over the past six months, while talking to you about Price Pritchett’s book You2, I’ve told you many things to help you get ready for your quantum leap, including the fact that you can never prepare.
You just have to decide that the risk of living a half-life is worse than the risk of believing in yourself, of valuing your contribution, of being the person you were meant to be.
Because the truth is that’s what this is all about. That burning desire within you, that thing that you want or want to be, is only the first leap of your divine journey.
For example, your desire to start your own business helping people get organized could lead you to discover a flair for organizing events, which leads you to organizing ever bigger events and fundraisers that help thousands of people. And that doesn’t even count the inspiration you become to everyone you meet.
Listen, you are capable of so much more than you realize. Those old ideas about how much you can earn and how productive you can be, let them go.
Recognize the new playing field that awaits.
Welcome a whole new set of ideas about who you are.
Be willing to experience a breakthrough.
The Formula for Your Quantum Leap
Remember, the formula for your quantum leap is actually very simple:
1. Embrace your burning desire, the thing you want the most, your passion.
2. Take the action that your passion calls you to take. If that’s not clear to you, go back to step one. Have you chosen your deepest desire? Are you totally in love with it?
3. Make sure that everything you do comes from your heart. Put all of yourself into it.
4. Open your gifts. For every talent and ability of which you are aware, there are hundreds more, waiting for you to recognize and use in the world.
5. Frame out the details of your strategy as you go, trusting your instincts and remaining flexible enough to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.
Notice that I didn’t say: go to business school. I didn’t say: complete college.
I said: look within. Trust, step out, build your faith, open your gifts. Be in love with what you’re doing. The Universe will send you what you need as you go.
Your Path May Twist
Now, in the beginning, there may be some stress. If you have a fear, that fear will come up.
Expect some challenges, but don’t interpret them as a sign that your dream is flawed.
It could be that, like an associate of mine, your divine path has a few twists.
Twenty years ago, my associate had a burning desire to write a book. She was totally consumed by and in love with the idea. It took ten years for the book to manifest, and she’s still proud of it, but it didn’t bring her as much income as she’d hoped.
Eventually, she realized the problem was not her book; it was her attitudes about money. She didn’t like money; she even resented it, so how could it come easily to her?
It couldn’t. So with the same commitment that she brought to her book, she literally changed her mind around money. And today, money is starting to roll in; her life is expanding and she’s inspiring others to change their minds too.
That’s what I mean when I say that your desire, however small you judge it to be, leads you to your divine purpose in life.
Listen to Yourself
So, look inside. There, you will find the opportunity you seek. The opportunity, the timing and the power to perform are in you, not in the situation.
We’ve covered the formula and the strategy for a quantum leap. You have those answers. The answers to the questions that remain must come from the voice within you.
Now, you must listen to yourself.
Your dreams and desires and the thoughts that burn the hottest in your mind carry the message that will help you find your own magnetic north.
They point the way toward the breakthrough.
Everything else is in position, waiting for you.
All you have to do is leap.

David Neagle, Million Dollar Income Acceleration Coach, mentors entrepreneurs to quantum leap their current businesses past the 7-Figure income level in just 12 months.

Trip to Atlantic City

We went to Atlantic city in the labor day weekend.
We went to the beach in the afternoon,had a bath in the ocean.It was windy and high tides.we enjoyed our stay in the water.
We went to Trump Tajmahal casino in the evening,stayed till early morning.
I didn't lose much,just $30!
We were back to jersey city around 7.15am.
It was really fun!
Here are some pictures:

Thoughts for today!

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